Michael Jackson: "A Protector, not a Molester of Children“

8 months ago

On June 25, 2009, one of the most famous and most successful music stars of the last decades passed away: Michael Jackson, also known as “The King of Pop”. Having sold up to 750 million sound carriers, he was considered one of the most influential and important singers in the world. Through his music he has succeeded in touching people’s hearts across all religions, ethnic groups, ideologies and nations. Through his music videos, he has also brought war, poverty and worldwide injustice to people’s attention.
However, in the years before his death, the singer was confronted by an avalanche of charges and trials, being suspected of child molestation, which severely impaired his psychic and physical health. During that time, his image in the public was mainly shaped by the negative propaganda in the mass media, creating the image of a mentally ill eccentric, a strange pedophile, a hypocrite, a freak or even of a monster. These charges and trials, however, left many inconsistencies and absurdities unsolved. This is the reason why the question about his guilt or innocence remained unanswered even until the end of his life.
Now, a biography of the artist has been published in a book called “Make that Change. Michael Jackson – the Message and Fate of a Spiritual Revolutionary”. Author Sophia Pade has intensively investigated Michael Jackson’s life for ten years, studying hundreds of trial documents, evaluating interviews and fully showing involvements, intricacies and strange coincidences behind stage in detail. The results of her investigation showed that 95% of the charges against Michael Jackson had been made up on purpose to harm Michael Jackson’s reputation and to impair his worldwide influence. Armin Risi, co-author of the book, said about the issue: “There is no other person except Michael Jackson who has been successfully exposed to such a character assassination campaign for such a long time, so intensively and beyond his lifetime.” He further said that for example the British journalist Martin Bashir had intentionally spread negative rumors about Michael Jackson. He carefully cut out selected passages of the film documentation “Living with Michael Jackson”, thus creating the impression that Michael had a disturbed view on his own sexuality, by inserting his background comments. Shortly after Michael Jackson’s death, the journalist withdrew his allegations.
According to the authors of the book, the mass media had ignored numerous highly interesting details during the time of the trials, which would have made Michael Jackson’s innocence evident. Even the defense counsel of the opposite party, Michael Freeman, said in a trial taking place 1993: “Could it be that Jackson did not commit any crime at all and that he really is what he pretends to be, i.e. a protector of children and not a child molester?”
But in whose interest would it be to harm Michael Jackson’s image in such a way?
An answer to all these questions suggests itself when taking into account a striking detail which was given almost no attention during the trial. It became apparent when Corey Feldman, a US American child star known from the film “Stand by me”, came forward to testify as a witness in favor of Michael Jackson. He made public that the entertainment industry in Hollywood was interspersed with pedophile child abusers. In the meantime, other stars like for instance Elijah Wood, known from the film “Lord of the Rings”, have confirmed the fact publicly. Please refer to our program “Hollywood is interspersed with pedophiles” (www.kla.tv/9682). Corey Feldman said that Michael Jackson had been the person protecting him as an aspiring young man with great ambitions in the entertainment industry. According to this important piece of evidence, Michael Jackson would in fact have been the exact contrary of what the media had reported about him, i.e. a protector of children, and not a child abuser.
It is exactly the kind of people who distort reality by false accusations that the successful pop artist began to warn the public of. In doing so, he even went far beyond the subject of pedophilia. Michael Jackson’s words were: “I am fed up, I am really fed up with it. I am disgusted by the fact that the media are lying to us, about how they manipulate everything that is happening around us. They do not tell the truth. They are liars! The same people who manipulate our media also manipulate our history books. The reports in our history books are not true. They are all lies! You should all know that. Everything that happens and that has happened gets presented in this way because conspirators and larger elites have the power to present it in such a way. It is time for a change!!”
It was this kind of change that Michael Jackson had plans for. His declared objective was to build up a film and entertainment industry of his own, an entertainment industry that met his ethical standards.
Jackson who was in a position to closely observe the internal affairs of the music and entertainment industry, apparently became a threat for those whom he called “conspirators” or “larger elites”. Yet, before he could bring more facts and observations to the attention of the public, he passed away in an unexpected way. Therefore, it is not surprising that the absurdities surrounding the charges against Michael Jackson have never been clarified and settled by justice.

from nm.








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