What are Emmanuel Macrons left Cards to do after being banned in Morocco? world breaking news

8 months ago

What are the possible Emmanuel Macrons left Cards to do after being banned in Morocco?, emmanuel macron, world news, breaking news

Emmanuel Macron has a few options after being banned from Morocco. He could:

Try to repair relations with Morocco. This could involve reaching out to King Mohammed VI directly, or sending a high-ranking delegation to Rabat. Macron could also offer to make concessions on issues that are important to Morocco, such as the Western Sahara conflict or the Pegasus spyware scandal.
Increase support for Morocco's rivals. This could involve providing more military or financial aid to Algeria, or strengthening ties with other countries in the region that have strained relations with Morocco, such as Mauritania or Tunisia.
Do nothing. Macron could simply wait for the situation to cool down and hope that relations with Morocco will eventually improve.
It is also possible that Macron could take a combination of these approaches. For example, he could try to repair relations with Morocco while also increasing support for Morocco's rivals.

It is important to note that Macron's options are limited. Morocco is a strategically important country for France, and Rabat has a number of levers that it can use to pressure Paris. For example, Morocco could reduce cooperation with France on security issues, or it could make it more difficult for French businesses to operate in the country.

Ultimately, the best course of action for Macron will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of the rift with Morocco and the willingness of both sides to compromise.

Here are some additional thoughts on each of Macron's options:

Repairing relations with Morocco

This would be the most desirable outcome for both sides, but it would require significant concessions from both Macron and King Mohammed VI. Macron would need to be willing to shift his position on the Western Sahara conflict and the Pegasus spyware scandal, while King Mohammed VI would need to be willing to forgive Macron for his past statements and actions.

Increasing support for Morocco's rivals

This would be a more aggressive approach, and it could risk further damaging relations with Morocco. However, it could also be effective in putting pressure on Rabat to change its behavior.

Doing nothing

This would be the least risky option, but it could also lead to a prolonged period of tension between France and Morocco.

It is important to note that there is no easy solution to the current situation. Macron has a difficult balancing act to perform between maintaining good relations with Morocco and protecting France's interests in the region.

What are the possible Emmanuel Macrons left Cards to do after being banned in Morocco?, emmanuel macron, world news, breaking news

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