signs that your crush wants you sexually

9 months ago

6 Signs It's Sexual Tension, Not Just A Crush

Sexual tension is a powerful force that can draw two people together. It can be exciting and exhilarating, but it can also be confusing and difficult to navigate. If you're not sure whether or not you're experiencing sexual tension with someone, here are six signs that can help you figure it out.

1. Intense eye contact: When there is sexual tension, there is often prolonged and intense eye contact between the two individuals. It goes beyond the typical fleeting glances of a crush, creating a sense of mutual attraction and anticipation.

2. Physical proximity: People experiencing sexual tension tend to find ways to be physically close to each other. Whether it's standing or sitting closely, finding excuses to touch, or invading personal space, the desire for physical connection is a strong indicator.

3. Flirting and teasing: Unlike a simple crush, sexual tension involves more explicit and sometimes provocative flirting and teasing. It includes playful banter, suggestive comments, and a shared sense of humor that goes beyond friendly interactions.

4. Increased physical awareness: When there's sexual tension, both parties become more physically aware of each other's presence. This may manifest through nervous fidgeting, adjusting clothing, or self-conscious behaviors. The body language becomes more sensual and suggestive.

5. Subtle touches and body language: Touch plays a significant role in sexual tension. There may be subtle and accidental touches that hint at the desire for physical contact. Body language, such as leaning in closer, mirroring each other's movements, or lingering touches, further suggests sexual tension.

6. Sexual innuendos and conversations: The conversation may steer towards more sexual or intimate topics when there's sexual tension. Individuals may make suggestive remarks, engage in playful teasing, or drop hints about their desires and interests.

Remember that these signs are not definitive proof of sexual tension. Each situation and individual are unique, so it's important to communicate openly and respect personal boundaries to ensure a healthy and consensual connection.

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