Schiff Family: History of corruption. Follow the bloodlines, Know your enemy

10 months ago

Schiff Family: History of corruption. Follow the bloodlines, Know your enemy

The richest family you never heard of, who is the Schiff family?

Going all the way back to a Jewish settlement in the middle ages, the Schiff and Rothschilds lived under one roof in Europe. Continued for centuries.

Intermarriage and acting as one family, ultimately beginning the Schiff dynasty with Jacob Schiff, born Frankfort Germany in 1847. At age 18, Jacob sailed for NY, where he moved up the ranks in the American Banking industry. Jacob (Rothschilds cousin).

Became a member of the Kuhn Loeb, a European/Jewish investment firm, which became the most influential investment firm of the industrial era, helping finance top industry tycoons such as John D Rockefeller and his expansion on Standard Oil.

Jacob Married into Kuhn Loeb becoming head of the firm, yet never changing the name. Jacob became the director of National City Bank of NY, Wells Fargo and the Union Pacific Railroad. Also on his resume, Jacob was one of the main financiers of the Bolshevik

Revolution which massacred millions of Christians across Russia. This Rothschilds cousin quickly implemented the family formula, Jacob, along side brother in law Paul Warburg waged a relentless campaign towards an American Central bank, those who opposed "conveniently" perished in the sinking of the Titanic a year before it was established.

JP Morgan cancelled his trip on Titanic last minute "apparent illness", with Congress eager to take Christmas leave, it was easy for the banker to pass the Federal Reserve act of 1913.

In 1933 Americans were required to deliver their gold to a federal reserve agent under threat of criminal penalties, meanwhile the Schiff family maintained their status as banking titans who eventually branched out to build a Media empire.

The granddaughter of Jacob Schiff, Dorothy Schiff was owner and publisher of the NY post for almost 40 years, also the president of the Federal Reserve, Eugine Meyer bought the Washington post. The Schiff family is far more wealthy than Most believe and marrying into politics to preserve their power, such as marrying into the Gore family, Soros family and the Rockefellers.

In 1913 a criminal cartel took control the nation's monetary system, the families in this cartel, including Schiff Family, bought and built media outlets as well as purchased politicians and helped pushed the US into WW1. Both sides of every war were/are funded by the same bankers.

Jacobs son Mortimer Leo Schiff 1877-1931 succeeded his father in running Kuhn Loeb & Co. His daughter Frieda married into the Warburg family (federal reserve). Jacob Schiff great grandson through David T Schiff is Andrew Schiff, husband of Karenna Gore Schiff (daughter) of AL gore.

The father of Al Gore was an associate of communist agent Armand Heimer, who's father was the founder of of the American Communist party, David Schiff forefather financed the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 (pilgrim society). Jacob Schiff was brother in law to Solomon Loeb & Paul Warburg (chief architect of Federal Reserve Act) Descending to Peter Peter Schiff, who is the owner of Euro Pacific Capital Investments Inc, Son of Irvin Schiff. Peter worked in the Private Equity division of E.M. and a previous officer in the Corporate division of Chemical Bank, (Now JP Morgan Chase & CO) who also helped in the collapse/bailout of 2008 under Barry Soetoro.

Brings us to Adam Schiff, born Adam Bennett Schiff, June 22 1960 in Framingham Massachusetts, Graduating from Standard and Harvard (322) Starting off with the Standard hotel, massage for children? The "Liddle kidz foundation" and House of Rep "Liddle" Schiff of CA. Tina Allen, the founder of "Liddle kidz" has a long history of working in the Hollywood area, as does Adam Schiff...

The global nonprofit org is a pediatric & infant massage organization (an org to touch vulnerable kids by way of business certification). In 2017 Adam Schiff dressed up in drag and went to the Chateau Marmont, near Standard hotel in LA, Schiff was supplied an 11Year old African American kid who was on meth, who was raped for over an hour, only later to discover that the kid overdosed. Marmont staff, Anthony Bourdain, a celebrity chef, author and travel documentarian wanted to expose what happened that night...

He contacted the LAPD (to which the LAPD knew who Schiff was). On June 8, 2018 Bourdain allegedly committed suicide. As well as a helicopter crash resulting in the death of Brian R Reichelt (Finance director of Standard Hotel), Joseph Tena and Kimberly Lynn Watzman (Gen manager for standard hotel). Joseph "pepe" Anthony, 60 yo dies when Robinsons R44 heli with Tena and others smashed into a home in Bayview Terrace at Newport. Adam Schiff has also had multiple visits to Ed buck, a Democratic Donor (arrested after running a drug den) nearly kills a man in the LA district tied to many of Schiff's operations (who is dead now).

Adam Schiff is also connected to Ukraine and its corruption of selling out our country though the intermarriage and relatives of the Soros family, Schiff family and Gore family funneling millions personal accounts along with the help of the Biden Family and the Pelosi family.

The Schiff family has been involved in crimes and corruption for centuries.
They have played a huge part of the corrupt foundation that currently enslaves us and sells out this country to the highest bidder. They are the richest family you never heard of.

This is why you see the Panic!
Follow the bloodlines
Know your enemy

H/T compiled by The Punisher.

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