#44 Galactic Ambassadors Podcast ft VEDIC Astrologers - James Higgins, Sharon Walker & Ric Wirick

10 months ago

I am thrilled to introduce to you the Galactic Garden Sanctuary from Hawaii - collaborative crew featuring James E. Higgins III, aka Nischintya Dasa, Sharon Walker and Ric Wirick as our first certified Vedic Galactic Astrology Soul Reading Practitioners! :D

See the podcast timestamps further below.

To book your Quantum Soul Guidance session visit their website: https://GalacticGardenSanctuary.com

Email: info@GalacticGardenSanctuary.com

Based in Big Island of Hawai’i

QSG Session Type: Written report, In-person sessions, Audio recording, Video recording

Featuring master Astrologer James E. Higgins III, aka Nischintya Dasa, aka Grandpa Alien. With over 47-years of experience in the field of Astrology and as a Vedic scholar, James has integrated the astronomical Vedic chart and Nakshatras with aspects of the Western chart – creating an all-encompassing Vedic/ Galactic Astrology reading with remedial measures for the journey ahead.

Galactic Astrology in the Vedic texts (Jyotish Shastra) was originally documented over 5000-years ago. James integrates the Nakshatras, the 27-Stars located on or near the ecliptic, into the natal reading. Each Nakshatra has a ruling planet, symbol, deity, special power and unique characteristics. James also offers sessions on Nakshatra remedial measures which include the use of specific sacred gems and mantras.

In addition, James co-authored and published How to Read Your Horoscope/ The ABC’s of Eastern
Astrology. And after having served as Doris Duke’s astrologer and spiritual adviser: Dollars, Diamonds, Destiny and Death/ My Life with the Richest Girl in the World. James also served as a researcher for author Richard L. Thompson and his book: Alien Identities/ Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena.

Sharon Walker is our certified Quantum Soul Guidance (QSG practitioner) and Starseed Gardener. The QSG Vedic/ Galactic charts are like Starseed packets -- exploring one’s galactic journey, creative potential and cosmic awakening. Since childhood, Sharon has spent as much time as possible in the garden, growing and connecting with Nature and Mother Earth. Sharon has an interactive connection with plants and animals, and our connection to stars and the Universe.

Ric Wirick (Captain Ric): now serving as the Galactic Garden Sanctuary’s secretary, coordinator and “in the sky chart” liaison -- introducing the astronomy of astrology. He is a lifelong sailor – connecting with the wind, water and movement -- with a passion for exploration. On land, Ric is focused on establishing our self-reliant, off-grid community living.

00:00 - Introduction
04:00 - Lord Ganesha Invocation & Blessing
07:40 - James - Tropical & Vedic Astrology
15:22 - Ric's link to Astrology
17:00 - Krishna Cows Sanctuary
20:00 - Astrology for Animals
22:00 - Astrology for Newborns
24:14 - Sharon's link to Galactic topics
27:17 - Pleiades - Nakshatra Kritika
29:00 - 27 Nakshatras - The Lunar Star Guide
35:00 - Julia's online courses experience
36:44 - Julia's & Sharon's Birth Sky Charts
41:30 - Demonstration - Sky chart & Vedic chart
46:00 - Demonstration - Galactic Astrology + Vedic + Sky charts
48:20 - https://GalacticGardenSanctuary.com
50:00 - Multigalactic & past lives connections
54:00 - Farewell

To learn more about Galactic Astrology visit: https://linktr.ee/galacticastrology

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