“Internet of Bio Nano Things” (IoBNT) The 4th Industrial Revolution WILL CHANGE YOU

11 months ago

“Internet of Bio Nano Things” (IoBNT) The 4th Industrial Revolution WILL CHANGE YOU
IoT - Internet of Things
IoB - Internet of Bodies
IoNT - Internet of Nano Things
IoBNT - Internet of Bio Nano Things
No Consent Required. In fact Victims are Never Informed they are being Infested by Nano-Bot a Invasion
August 26th, 2022

Mirrored From:
Citizen Researcher Killed by DARPA For Exposing Nano-Bot Technology Weaponized Against American Citizens?
Gnarly Carly & The DARPA 2013 Proposals Revived – lllicit Smart Dust – Chemtrail – Nano-Quantum Infiltration of Humanity
Gnarly Carly & The DARPA 2013 Proposals Revived – lllicit Smart Dust – Chemtrail – Nano-Quantum Infiltration of Humanity. I have researched for her 2013 DARPA Bill Proposals, because they disappeared on her account and I think it is very important to eternalize them in the Internet, she had the deepest insight from most Facebookers about the Quantum Dot Nanotech connection I assume.
She was from Harvard University? I just found that it is worth mentioning, because nobody else in the whole Internet described and showed these DARPA Proposals, so I repost them, because I stored almost all informations, luckily I can revive her important Information from 2013, that was lost in Time:
“Internet of Bio Nano Things” (IoBNT)
The 4th Industrial Revolution has a Specific Term for Smart Dust used to Track Humans related to the (IoB) Internet of Bodies. It is called:
“Internet of Bio Nano Things” (IoBNT)
The project is in full operation, now that we have 5G. These are just a small sample of what is growing everywhere in So. Cal, from 2 weeks of solid chem dumps.
These are fully functional communications networks that work just like wired networks. They all self assemble into what is called The “Internet of Bio Nano Things” (IoBNT)
This is no joke, and its everywhere.
But specifically created for the human body. Yes, its inside of you, on your pants, on your shirt, and inside of your kids and babies.
It about time people stop laughing and rolling their eyes, and realize that nobody, not Trump or anyone who you think gives a shit about you, is doing anything to stop this.
It transmits and receives over wifi, which is called the Bio Cyberspace and contains synthetic RNA/ DNA, engineered viruses and bacteria, and feeds off your proteins, lipids, and many other compounds, all controlled by frequencies. It literally communicates with the outside world.
I know, it’s impossible you think. Well that’s what they are counting on. There is tons of data to back it up. Here is enough to convince you that I have not lost my mind.
Conspiracy Revelation Archive Vol.142: 6. Dezember 2019: She made the Pentagon DARPA BILLS (Proposals) Public from 2013..(and proved objectively the Morgellon-Smart Dust with Microscope – irrefutable Proofs)…which proves the illicit quantum sabotage acts and nano-tech infiltration of all living flesh on the planet via ARPA/DOD/CIA/DIA/NSA/USAF/NAVY/NWO/NIH/ Corporate Crime Inc and of the U.S. Gov on the global population.
John Brinsko: she was killed in a car accident near Gainsville FL..Monday night. T Boned by another vehicle.
“Gnarly Carly: Quantum reaction taking place.”
This woman was one of the main civilian researchers concerning the Morgellons bioweapon/DODs/DARPA nanotechnology on Facebook. The topic also deals very strongly with quantum physical effects … That grows in every human being …
Humanity has become a cyborg species through Chemtrails. Anyone can check this with the microscope … that is objective, irrefutable evidence of synthetic nanobiotechnology and the complete unsolicited/forbidden transformation of humanity. I also published a couple of microscope images in 2013 (but I have not got that far into the matter of the selective quantum dots) and I also came across their Pentagon DARPA 2013 invoice proposals back then… where one can see in black and white the future human experiments through quantum nanotechnology.

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