Dr Rima Laibow Exposes the End Goal of the UN, WHO "Pedophile Agenda" - Maria Zee Uncesnored

1 year ago

WE MUST EXIT THE W.H.O. - Dr. Rima Laibow joins Maria Zeee to detail the end goal of the UN/WHO driven pedophile agenda and the impact on our children and society. Dr. Laibow emphasizes the need to immediately cut ties with these globalist organizations.

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VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v2rohzg-uncensored-warning-graphic-unwho-pedophile-agenda-exposed-dr.-rima-laibow.html




Meet Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

Rima E. Laibow, MDRima E. Laibow, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right every American to choose a personal health path that is free of government or corporate interference.

The Dr. Rima Network for The Dr. Rima Institute
At the Natural Solutions Center, Valley of the Moon, Chiriqui, Panama – www.DrRima.net

She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment. Over During this time, she has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems and health promotion efforts.

Like other healers who trust the innate ability to heal, she believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases. The key is supporting the immune and other crucial body systems. Dr. Laibow has seen results from these techniques so often in her patients and in her personal life, that she believes the medicine of the future is the medicine of cooperation with nature.

Dr. Laibow is the President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board which she helped establish in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine.

Because of Dr. Laibow’s awareness of the wide variety of powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying causes of disease, she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans. Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain their right to choose health promotion rather than illness care in their efforts to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm.



Open Source Truth – Truth, not Mass Media!


Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths.

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