The money hoax

1 year ago

In this ICIC broadcast, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with Bernd Udo Hack, retired government director, about the origins of the money system and its application. They explain the flaws in the system and clarify in detail the associated interest system, which can certainly be described as fraudulent.

In order to be able to understand this flawed construct of the monetary system in its entirety, it is first necessary to know and understand what money actually is, when and for what purpose it came into being and why it is virtually predestined for abuse, which is currently taking place very obviously.

What are the causes behind this? How do collapses occur (also several times in the past), and is money perhaps only based on a belief system instilled in us without any real value?

What are the benefits of investing in precious metals, do they make sense or are they just smoke and mirrors? Bernd Udo Hack explains by means of descriptive examples among other things, what exactly a gross national product is, why a monetary value cannot be stable and why money does not "work for you". Should money as such be assigned an "expiry date", just as everything in nature is subject to regular cycles?

Are there ways to get out of this belief system of money? Does it make sense to establish regional money structures? How can we make what is actually a useful medium of exchange in the form of value certificates useful to people without exploiting them?

When all of these points are connected, an overall picture unfolds, so that all of the actions taking place globally, which at first glance seem to have nothing to do with each other, suddenly make sense. This sytem is beneficial for a few masterminds in the background, but not for the totality of people. They are only a means to an end. Only when these fraudulent activities come more and more into the public spotlight and are also understood, can something change. The following statement is attributed to Henry Ford: "If people understood the monetary system, we would have a revolution before tomorrow morning."Telegram:

Telegram: Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺

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