Father Ezekiel’s 4.22.23 vision

1 year ago

Father Ezekiel’s 4.22.23 vision

Father Ezekiel’s 4.22.23 vision

May 22nd 2023

The first part of Father Ezekiel’s 4.22.23 vision.

Father Ezekiel:

For the last forty-eight hours or more, I thought I kept seeing a river, and I did not understand at first because it was burning in green and flowing West to East, very much like the Amazon. Then I was brought down to ground level and the whole scene changed. Once again, the skyline of New York City. However, this time, the presence of the Lord was hovering over the city.

And every elder angel and saint were praying from Heaven, which had come down, floating right over the city, all of Heaven, all of Paradise. And every inhabitant praying for the city. Blessed Mother is to my right, she is wearing all white now, never seen her she is high, high above, and yet I can distinctly see her garments to my right, and yet I have always hoped is her ladder to Heaven.

And so, I run to my Mother, my Mother Mary, our Blessed Mother, to be kept safe in the folds of her garment and her espousal to the Holy Spirit, His well-beloved Spouse. I run to her to be safe, directed and corrected. And she is so beautiful, very difficult almost to see because of the light and clouds, literally clouds of angels, layers and layers and layers. Thank you, Mama, you never left me, and you never will, because you are a mother, and you love your children.

So, I too, will pray, for the city and cities from Peru and Chile, up through South America, Central America, North America, all the Caribbean. I am praying, as best I can, along with Your prayers, Lord. I do not know exactly what to do but I know that I want to be with You. I want to do what You do, say what You say. I want to be one with You. Please? Totally, completely one with You. Heaven is not Heaven without You.

The second part of Father Ezekiel’s 4.22.23 vision:

Father Ezekiel:

Wow. The water has just inundated everything there. Yeah, there are still fires burning in different places, I guess, busted gas lines or something, you know, the thing came in red hot when it hit. And I am still at the top of the Statue of Liberty, inside the-where they let you go look out, at the top, just watching this whole city. Crushed, burning, twisted metal, I mean, from Manhattan to–you name it-then again, up into Canada, this thing is huge.

I kept thinking that I was seeing a river, you know, the Hudson River, but then I realized we are under water, we are under water. The whole city of New York is–Wow! The whole city of New York is just annihilated. It is almost like, if it were possible, the water would burn. This thing is so big and red hot.

So, go all the way back to the Roaring Twenties, the Speakeasies, you know, where you go in for alcohol, The Syndicate, you know, the Mobs, all those sins. I do not even know when it all changed but know that it goes back to the Roaring Twenties when the skirts hems started going up and they started dancing and stuff like that, not that I am against any of that, but they were just modest, normal people before, nineteen-ten, nineteen hundred.

I do not know when all these ports were opened to, you know, for shipping and such, but obviously somewhere down the line, whatever century it was in, and yet this white cloud hovering over the city, even when the city is under water. Well, obviously, that would, shock waves, the land, as I said on another recording, the land it is almost like earthquake waves where the land just starts to ripple and wave at, you know, the Earth.

So-So, if the meteor tipped that plate, beneath New York, that would explain why I keep seeing, like the whole city and more, tipping upward like the plate under it is tipping very, very wide, tipping straight up looks like looking at a sideways city virtually underwater and yet there is so much smoke and so many fires, maybe that is beyond New York and into other states. I cannot imagine, except what I am seeing, and I am in real time, eyes wide open. Wow.

And yet there was a time of purity, long long ago, before New York came to be New York City. Wow. And yet God is still with them-right in the fire with them, with you, He is right there with you, spread out, with His arms open wide, everyone is praying for you and with you, and when this happens, for you, the faithful in New York, and I am talking about the prayer of the heart. Those of you who are worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth- His presence is just shining over your city and over you and the many that have gone straight to Heaven, straight to Heaven, straight to Paradise.

The third part of Ezekiel’s 4.22.23 vision:

Father Ezekiel:

Wow! I am not real sure where I left off, but it is almost unrecognizable. That whole city has been so flooded, so much is under water. When this band or plate or partial chunk or something of a meteor came down, it literally, literally,- I will say it again-made a very deep impact, so much so to shift the plates under New York. It is as if you tipped the whole city straight up in the air on its side.

God is still over the city and drawing the souls that love Him to Himself.

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