
1 year ago

Emotional dysregulation is when our dark feelings take over the Light that shines within us. It's a shadow to the truth.
The Color-it-Out Emotion Regulation coloring book is a perfect and safe way to exercise the dark thoughts, will, and emotions that dull our inner shine.

This video captures the emotion "Anger". And the Bold RED to release it. The very act of using a specific color to represent an emotion during a flood of other emotions, helps to focus on one thing, and work it out; or rather in, towards the center. It's the place on the design with the most light. All within an intriguing mandala shaped design.

"Color-It-Out: Exploring Emotion Regulation through Art"

"Discover the transformative power of emotion regulation through the Color-It-Out Emotion Regulation coloring book. In this captivating video, we delve into the realm of anger, using bold red hues to symbolize its release. By channeling specific emotions into colors amidst a flood of feelings, we unlock a pathway towards inner focus and healing.

Join us on a visual journey as we navigate a mandala-shaped design, progressing from the outer edges where immediate emotions reside, towards the center where tranquility awaits. Notice how the shades gradually lighten, culminating in a serene pink, reminding us that love is the ultimate remedy in any situation.

At Modern Approach, we specialize in sensory therapy coaching for families and business owners. If you or someone you know grapples with emotional disregulation, grief, or struggles with effective communication, our modern approach to conflict resolution and team building can make a significant difference.

To learn more, follow @sos4ed on Instagram or reach out to us via email at Unleash the power of colors and embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional well-being. #colors #coloring #innerprocess"

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