FULL SHOW Abbot, Bridgen & Carlson CANCELLED; NUM v XR Great Energy Climate Debate; RFK 4 President

1 year ago

FULL SHOW Diane Abbot Andrew Bridgen & Tucker Carlson CANCELLED NUM v XR Great Climate Energy Transport debate RFK for president campaign launch NTBCFMPS28Apr23

– New fines for van dwellers in parts of Bristol – New parking charges on the Downs considered in plan to drive away travellers
– School ignores girl who can’t use unisex toilets – Schoolgirl’s life being made a misery by unisex toilets
– Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees Ignores His Remit Making Global Decisions While Public Transport Collapses And Bins Go Unemptied
– OPERATE BEYOND YOUR AUTHORITY, BEYOND THE LAW: Mark Anderson from UK Column on the Global Parliament of Mayors and how Marvin Rees is a key player in this.
– Sam Downie on 2017 show on what Common Purpose teaches and it’s involvement in Happy Cities
– John McDonnell talk at NUJ conference. Goes through the many curent bills which adversely affect journalists and freedom of expression including the National Security bill and online safety bill
– When central banks put interest rates up to ‘bring down inflation’ they are actually INCREASING inflation! – Bank of England warned it will ‘totally crash the economy’ over interest rate decision
– Opponents of the dictatorship Diane Abbot MP, Andrew Bridgen MP and Tucker Carlson CANCELLED
– Diane Abbott MP suspended from Labour Party for letter about prejudice not racism. Tony Greenstein blog The One Thing Diane Abbot Hasn’t Been Suspended For Is Anti-Semitism
– Andrew Bridgen MP expelled from Conservative Party – him discussing the harms of Covid jabs. Dozens of AstraZeneca jab victims are suing the government [see full article below]
– King’s Coronation on Saturday 6th May – Noel Botham’s book on death of Diana – John Morgan on Prince Charles’s Way Ahead Group, Diana’s increasing publicity, and assassination plans for her
– DON’T MENTION DIANA [see Richard Tomlinson affidavit below]:this scenario bore remarkable similarities to the circumstances and witness accounts of the crash that killed the Princess of Wales
‘– The way the Windsors got their millions is a Royal RIP-OFF more in line with Henry VIII than a modern democracy,’
– There’s no escaping that for some loyal monarchists, the shadow of Princess Diana will hang over Saturday’s Coronation service
– The Great UK Energy Debate: National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) vs. Extinction Rebellion (XR)
– David Douglass NUM & author of ‘Climate Change and the Total Destruction of the British Coal Mining Industry’, vs. Shane Collins, Councillor for Green Party - debate XR, Net Zero policies and the demise of coal
– UAE & NATO funding terrorist RSF Militia to destabilise Sudan: Mohammed Makawi, Bristol Councillor for the Green Party, who is Sudanese, on the unfolding war in Sudan
– Global military spending is increasing to record levels- – a new arms race – World military spending reaches all-time high of $2.24 trillion Surge in spending reflects Russia-Ukraine war and ‘increasingly insecure world’,
– Robert F. Kennedy’s launches bid for the Democrat nomination to be US President in 2024 – his speech in Boston last week “My mission…will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power"
– Tucker Carlson sacking explained, non-disclosure agreement in Dominion voting machines v. Fox News out-of-court settlement?
– Russia/ Ukraine war story – depleted uranium – British weapons containing depleted uranium already in Ukraine, says UK minister
– FBI arrests black activists as 'Russian Spies'! Black rights activists accused of working with Russians to instil discord in US –
– ‘Never Again is Now Global’ The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events – films by Vera Sharaf from ‘The Alliance for Future Research Protection’
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling


David Douglass, from National Union of Mine Workers, and author of ‘Climate Change and the Total Destruction of the British Coal Mining Industry’, versus Shane Collins, Councillor for Green Party – they debate the Net Zero policies and the demise of coal – Coal, Climate Change & the Total Destruction of the British Coal Mining Undustry (2022) – A timely book that clearly describes the effects of shutting down Coal production in Britain and the need to reconstruct the industry for both jobs and affordable energy. The book clearly describes how clean modern super-ultracritical coal power stations are and how CO2 capture can be added for a small fraction of the cost of carbon taxes, making Coal easily the cheapest form of energy we can make in Britain. In the era of 42p/kWh the prospect of unlimited 3p/kWh (4p/kWh w/capture) wholesale, 6p/kwH (8p/kWh) retail Tens of thousands of our people will die this winter if we have 42p/kWh energy costs. Even worse if it goes to 60p/kWh as expected. If you care about our country you must read this book.

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