"One of the most important speeches made in the EU Parliament." James Lindsay Woke culture.

1 year ago

Woke culture, Woke, a culture war against Europe,
James Lindsay, European Parliament, Woke Conference, equity, socialism, cultural capital, economic capital, material capital, Marxism, Maoism, intersectionality, queer theory, postcolonial theory, classism, capitalism, racial justice, white privilege, systemic racism, white supremacy, dominant culture, class consciousness, race Marxism, queer Theory.

James Lindsay speaks at a "Woke Conference" in the European Parliament.

He argues that the concept of "equity" promoted by the woke movement is essentially socialism, which redistributes social and cultural capital as well as economic and material capital to make citizens equal.

Lindsay claims that "woke" is actually Marxism with American characteristics, just as Maoism was Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics.

He argues that woke ideologies such as queer theory and postcolonial theory are all based on the Marxist logic of intersectionality.

Lindsay further explains that Marx's ultimate goal was to complete man by constructing a socialist society that transcends private property, and that the woke movement seeks to create class consciousness and channel resentment against the dominant culture.

00:00 The definition of Equity - woke is Maoism with western characteristics
02:10 Marxism is a genus of ideological thought, with many different species in this genus
bound together by intersectionality, but the logic is Marxist
04:35 Society produces man = inversion of praxis
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11:00 How's Queer Theory Marxist ?
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19:00 They see themselves as nations, evolved to attack the west
21:03 'Being white is bad, being white is oppressive'
22:02 The European Cultural Revolution to destroy western civilisation from within
24:00 Woke is Marxism evolved to attack the West, Europe is at great risk
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