All in the Family - Part 8 - The Astors - (The Elite Bloodlines)

1 year ago

The Elite rule the world through deception with the goal of establishing a One World Order.

Pg. 52 --

Albert Pike wrote:

“We must provoke a social cataclysm which in all its horror… everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries… will receive the true light through the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view. "

The war of 1812 profited Astor greatly. Astor worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the 13 families, John Coleman and John Jacob Astor were British secret agents. De Wit Clinton, who lost the Presidential candidacy, was associated with the Illuminati as was his Uncle George Clinton, vice president to Thomas Jefferson. It runs in the family… Jefferson once told Astor that he “hoped for the establishment of an independent nation on the pacific coast, bound to the United States by ties of blood, language and friendship”.

Franklin Hughes Delano was born in 1813 heir to a huge oil fortune and married Lavia Astor, daughter of William Buckhouse Astor. James Roosevelt married Helen Astor, daughter of William Backhouse, Jr. and the next James Roosevelt married the sister of Vincent Astor’s wife Nancy.

This connects President Roosevelt to the Astors, Freemasons and Illuminati not only by station but by blood.

Now we will spend more time on John Jacob Astor. Astor or Astarte, means star, like the one they worship, also another name for Lucifer. Let's trace his real roots once and for all.

Johann Jakob Astor was born July 17, 1763. He had eight children with his wife, Sara Cox Todd (of the Brevoort family, devout satanists), three of them died almost instantly and one was mentally ill and sickly. This is very common among these families because of the blood as well as rituals they perform involving child sacrifice. He was worth $110.1 billion as of 2006. It's easy to follow his line through his son William Backhouse Astor.

For now, let's look back. John was the son of Johann Jacob Astor, aka Jacob Astor Metzger, and Maria Magdalena Vorfelder, also called von Berg. One of his descendants, John Jacob Astor IV (1864-1912) went down with the Titanic. John and his cousin William Waldorf built the first Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on the corner of 33rd and 5th, 13 stories high. The Empire State Building was built on the same spot and opened in 1987. Back to John Astor, he arrived in the US in 1783. We find that his connections had not only been made since birth but also through his occupation as a secret agent, which also comes with the blood.

In 1901 the Astors helped create the Pilgrim Society, a cover organization for American and British 6° Princes of the Illuminati. By following this club you can follow the Astor clan. Let's look a bit deeper into where they come from.

Jacob Astor Metzger, also Johann Astor, did live in Walldorf, Germany. However, the entire rest of the line is found in Britain and Switzerland and are one of the founding families and main supporters of the Group Skull and Bones, Britain chapter. Johann Jacob Astor, a butcher, married Maria Magdalena Vorfelder and apparently that's as far back as we can go according to our publicly accessible history.

Well, we have a problem. We don't trust or listen to what any government tells us. So we will continue with what we have discovered through many different files collected from churches, census and immigration records and much more…

The bloodline changed it's name so frequently it's dizzying. Here is a short list...believe it or not. They changed from Astor to Bentzon to Bristed. Ward to Winthrop, Chanler, White, Francis, Pickman, and Stenbock-Fermor. Margaret Aldrich married Christopher Rand, then Byron DeMott. The name Aldrich comes into play then changes again to von Nagel, Morgan, and Whitney, Collins and Vanderbilt. Johnson to Emmett.

Egerton White Chanler, died of a brain tumor in 1882. Like many with their blood, she had a son who died at or before birth. Chanler is the largest of the American Astor branch today. Heathcote, Drummond, Willoughby, and Langhorne are seen around the 40's. Then Frankel, Woodward, Mackintosh, Smith, Carey, Van Alen, later Walden.

Source: Fearless Nation -

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