Uncovering the Secrets Behind the End of a Korean Dynasty! | History of Korea

1 year ago

From 1910, until 1945, Korea was part of the Japanese empire. The
victorious World War II allies agreed that Korea should be made an
independent country, but until negotiations could take place, the U.S.
took charge of the area south of the 38th parallel, while the Soviets
occupied the northern half. Plans to establish a unified Korean
government failed, and in 1948, rival governments were established:
the Communist government of Kim Il Sung in the North, and the proWestern government under Syngman Rhee in the South.
An officers training school, and a small arms plant was set up by the
United States. They gave the country $100,000,000 worth of military
hardware to arm the 96,000 soldiers of the South Korean armed forces.
On July 17, 1949, Owen Lattimore said: “The thing to do is let South
Korea fall, but not to let it look as if we pushed it.” In a memo to the
State Department, he wrote: “The United States should disembarrass
itself as quickly as possible from its entanglements in South Korea.” In
1949, the American troops were withdrawn from South Korea, and in a
January 12, 1950 speech, U.S. Secretary of State, Dean G. Acheson
publicly stated that South Korea was “outside of (the U.S.) defense
The North Koreans, heavily equipped by the Russians, considered
Acheson’s statement an invitation to attack, in order to unify the
country under communism. Gen. Douglas MacArthur had received
military intelligence reports from Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, that
North Korea was preparing for an invasion, and John Foster Dulles of
the State Department went to ‘investigate,’ and covered up the activity
he viewed at the 38th parallel.

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What ended the Korean dynasty?
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