#96 Lance Schuttler CEO Ascent Nutrition: Agarikon Mushroom, suppressed research, 911 aftermath & current events

1 year ago

You can purchase Lance's products here and it helps support our channel as well https://goascentnutrition.com/?rfsn=6962632.6e52fc
More on Lance https://www.lanceschuttler.com/

Having graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and as the CEO of Ascent Nutrition, Lance brings deep experience within the health and wellness fields, as well as a well rounded perspective of the nutraceutical industry.
Lance has worked in the three major areas of this industry and saw many inefficiencies and short cuts that were and still are being taken by many in this field.
His passion for research, brain health, neurogenesis, nutrition and biohacking led him to begin Ascent Nutrition, which sources rare and hard to find nutrients that can actually be felt by those using the products.
It is Ascent Nutrition’s mission to provide the most unique supplements and health solutions that nature has to offer.
A portion of profits are donated to holistic healing programs at certain crisis centers that help people in their healing process from various forms of trauma.


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