Ep 27 N8 10th Mar 23 - Who Are the Real Terrorists

1 year ago

Tonight -
Liz's letter to the law society 13th Nov 2021 after a complaint from the midwifery council stating that Liz was not a "real" lawyer. Liz prefers the title advocate but wanted to point out to the LS that she was in fact still a lawyer under their terms. Liz is still a member of the Bar but not the society due their conduct like their bullying of members

The nurses council and the midwifery council are all on the back foot now with employment matters through the courts so we know we the people can topple these big agencies as they have acted so badly causing great harm and damage to innocent people

The Law Society Under Review
An independent panel has recommended stripping the New Zealand Law Society of its statutory powers after describing its function at the moment as “lawyers looking after lawyers”.

In a report released today, the latest in a series commissioned by the Law Society, the Independent Review Panel said the society is biased and lacked transparency.

It also found the body failed to meet the needs of both the consumer and the lawyers it represented and regulated.
Lawyers have experienced high levels of harassment, bullying and sexual harassment in the work place. They need to belong to N8!
Read full article here https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/lawyers-looking-after-lawyers-panel-says-strip-law-society-of-powers-to-discipline/TOLZ7SUYX5DABKQTYIYAL6XFDM/?fbclid=IwAR0yPFGN_1WzLC_IVETqpkHF5RchwCqdliTCAGTYFzHjBZ9-SXQZ4cBldX4

Why do we have certain nationalities that have been allowed in NZ without having to have the jab? Liz goes into events happening around the same times as orders where created, what are the various terrorists and crimes they have committed, who are they linked to.

Our Attorney General has a dodgy background. It was his job to ensure the vax orders didnt breach our rights like BoRA and HRA which he didnt.

Timeline Hotkeys for Rumble:
j - skip back 10s, l - skip forward 10s, m - mute, t - toggle theatre mode, f - full screen, spacebar - stop/start , shift + < = slower, shift + > = faster
02:11 Liz: Introduction to Liz’s past - Liz Gunn & Tokelau - Ross Arden Administrator of Tokelau
04:38 Liz: Midwifery Council complaint to Law Society about Liz Nov 2021 - Lawyer or Advocate letter? - Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 - Sections 21 Provision of legal services & 22 Misleading descriptions
07:40 Liz: Law Society as Regulators that maintains a public register of lawyers v admission to the Bar to be a lawyer – must be tried in a court of law
09:28 Liz: To sum up, my view is that a club or society may regulate its own membership…
10:57 Liz: Nurses Council and Midwifery Council – News article ‘Lawyers looking after lawyers’: Panel says strip Law Society of powers to discipline
17:37 Liz: Family in prominent positions - James Gardner Hopkins - once the complaint is laid against the lawyer, the Law Society can't provide updates about its investigation
19:30 Liz: Sexual harassment & bullying in the legal profession
21:49 Liz: Ron Patterson - The panel had harsh words for how the Law Society was currently run
25:05 Liz: The panel also recommended introducing a freelance model with the requirement that lawyers seek approval of the Law Society before being able to practise on their own would be abolished - Hierophantic Human
27:58 Liz: What does this mean for the Medical Council & Disciplinary tribunals!?!
29:31 Geoff & Liz: Lawyers going pro bono as people become more law savvy
30:20 Liz: Terrorism in plain sight - People who could enter NZ without a vaccine & those exempted
00:35:39 Liz: 2 year forecast for Jab exemption recipients - Special Ukraine visa policy from 23 march 2022, fleeing but not refugees - Potential OIA to discover who is special - Ukraine
43:25 Liz: Azov Regiment/Battalion and Tarrant insignia
44:27 Liz: A look at the chequered past of current Attorney-General David Parker - Parkers implementation of the COVID-19 Response Framework and the underlying Bill of Rights issues.
50:06 Liz: Ministers not following the law
54:18 Liz: §191 Health and Safety Work Act
56:08 Geoff & Liz: Kitteridge revisited - State Terrorism is Tyranny = NZ first!?! Leaked Operation Kia email from Arden to Hipkins
1:00:00 Geoff: Rebecca Kitteridge, Director-General of Security - Download the PDF “Know the signs”
1:00:57 Liz & Erika: Latest developments are with Project Cals & People impacted by Sport NZ
1:07:13 Erika: Judge Marsh Roberts family member owns a Medical centre – Know your Judge - Complaint to the Judiciary Commissioner
1:13:48 Fiona & Liz: Hawkes Bay update
1:27:27 Fiona: More than 33,000 Covid fines withdrawn in NSW after adverse court ruling
1:29:53 Liz: Doctors jabbing need to know of Medicines Regulations 1984 clause 44A. Many probably don’t! - ACC doesn’t cover them for medical misadventure - Medical Association covers doctor's insurance
1:34:11 Liz: Open chat

Content Links:

Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 - Sections 21 Provision of legal services & 22 Misleading descriptions

‘Lawyers looking after lawyers’: Panel says strip Law Society of powers to discipline

Lawyer with 18 months’ experience says he should be allowed to practice on his own - Hierophantic Human

COVID-19 border requirements schedules, Schedule 8 Arrivals from Antarctica COVID-19 Public Health Response (Air Border) Order 2021

2022 Special Ukraine Visa Policy COVID-19 Public Health Response (Air Border) Order 2021 Clause 13 (5) (a), (b)
Must be vaccinated (or be excused or exempt)

Azov Regiment/Battalion and Tarrant insignia

David Parker

§191 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Designated agencies

Know the signs: A guide for identifying signs of violent extremism

Project CALS

Tower of Babel


Revenue NSW announced it had cancelled some 33,000 Covid-era fines

Clause 44A Medicines Regulations 1984 - Administration of vaccines in approved immunisation programmes

From the chat:

Transcript Bloopers:
The shoes = issues
Louis South = Law Suit
Cheese brain = share screen
Treaty of White Hungary = Treaty of Waitangi
Please say = Police

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