1 year ago

Payday 2 follows the events of Payday: The Heist, with three of the crew members – Dallas (portrayed by Eric Etebari, voiced by Simon Kerr), Wolf (Ulf Andersson), and Chains (Damion Poitier) – as well as their operator Bain (Simon Viklund) returning. Hoxton (portrayed by Josh Lenn, voiced by Pete Gold), the fourth member in the previous game, has been arrested by the FBI and replaced by Dallas' brother Houston (Derek Ray).

After a brief hiatus from criminal activity, the Payday gang starts completing jobs in and around Washington D.C. for Bain and other criminal contractors, such as bank robberies, drug trafficking, eliminating rivals and rigging elections. This catches the eye of "The Dentist" (Giancarlo Esposito), a middleman for a number of wealthy clients, who offers to help break Hoxton out.

The gang prove their capability to the Dentist by completing a heist larger than any before, and the plan is set in motion: Hoxton is managed to be given a retrial which gives the gang an opportunity to intersect and take him from custody, followed by breaking into FBI headquarters to find out who double-crossed him. This is revealed to be Hector Morales, one of the contractors, who made a deal with the FBI in exchange for protection; the gang raids his safehouse and kills him. The Dentist's final job for the gang is to steal a mysterious box in the vault of a large casino.

Throughout this time, the gang took on larger contracts, which included stealing a famous and valuable diamond, retrieving nuclear weaponry, and infiltrating highly guarded establishments, as well as recruiting more members. Law enforcement and government officials grow frustrated with the increasing crime rate; in spite of their efforts, the gang remains elusive.

A new contractor, former private military company Murkywater major Locke (Ian Russell), enlists the gang's help before double-crossing them. Later, while attempting to get back at him, Bain is captured by an unknown group but tells the gang to trust Locke; the betrayal was a cover for their benefit. With Locke's help, they attempt to find out who captured Bain and why. This is revealed to be the Dentist with the help of Murkywater, and the gang discovers more artifacts linked to the Dentist's mysterious box.

Figuring out Bain's location, the gang frees him but finds out he has been infected with a lethal man-made virus. Before his demise, he sees the gang carry out their final grand heist: infiltrate the White House and steal valid unused Presidential pardons to get away with all their criminal past. Later, Locke and the gang (now up to 22 members) hold a solemn ceremony for Bain, before everyone but Dallas disposes of their mask.

In an alternate ending, unlocked by fulfilling certain requirements and solving an elaborate puzzle, the gang finds a secret vault underneath the White House, housing an ancient machine: the Ark of the Watcher. Locke and Bain follow the gang, held hostage by the Dentist, who is killed by the gang. The machine is activated and the room lights up, with Bain thanking everyone and supposedly dying. Later, somewhere on vacation, the gang celebrates and sees the President of the United States on television holding a speech; it is implied that the ark allowed Bain to switch bodies with the president.

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