2022-12-28 GESARA SHOW 083 - The Best of The GESARA Show 2022

1 year ago

December 28, 2022, The Best Of the GESARA Show 2022
Duration: 4:18:39

Hosts: Peter Walker and Billy Gillies,

This is the Best Of the GESARA Show 2022 where we look back at the highlights of the show throughout the year.

This pre-recorded show takes the best moments out of most of our shows, replaying the best videos, interviews and funny moments we have shared since we started the show in March 2022. Each clip is preceded by the number of the show, so that you can go back and watch any show you want to know more about.

0:00:00 Introduction to the Best of Show.
0:05:20 GESARA Show 001, How we began.
0:06:55 GESARA Show 005, Demonstrating the Hydration-App - Highlights. https://hydration-app.com
0:12:06 GESARA Show 007, Bond, Zim Bond and bondage…
0:13:59 GESARA Show 010, Earth is a learning planet.
0:29:32 GESARA Show 016, Birmingham Show,
0:37:17 GESARA Show 021, https://this-person-does-not-exist.com
0:39:12 GESARA Show 023, Peter embarrassed Johnathan Frakes.
0:42:37 GESARA Show 024, FedCon Special, Opera singer.
0:47:35 GESARA Show 024, FedCon Special, John Barrowman.
0:51:17 GESARA Show 028, Magna Carta
0:55:59 GESARA Show 029, Buckingham Palace
1:10:21 GESARA Show 030, Right on Q, singing and Common Law.
1:30:46 GESARA Show 032, The new Billy! Meet your Strawman, Cestui Que Vie.
1:38:38 GESARA Show 033, Billy's back, not changed to look like Sharon.
1:40:45 GESARA Show 042, Peter released from NDA!
1:46:06 GESARA Show 042, Yuka app to find better foods. https://app.yuka.io/oCM2yQB6xyaby6HQ8
1:48:40 GESARA Show 042, Orville shows GESARA?
1:52:43 GESARA Show 045, Billy for President? Peter in Belgium.
1:59:24 GESARA Show 046, Peter, Belgium, flying bears and video editing.
2:04:21 GESARA Show 046, Cajun Girl on the Birmingham Games, UK
2:08:43 GESARA Show 047, Admiralty Law and flags.
2:11:21 GESARA Show 051, Original "Star Spangled Banner", and submarine attack.
2:16:55 GESARA Show 052, 9/11 Special
2:31:59 GESARA Show 054, Rife Special with Nenah Sylver.
2:38:52 GESARA Show 055, The Queen has been lying in State for 4 years!
2:42:17 GESARA Show 056, Billy summarises what Charlies said on the Insider Club...
2:43:57 GESARA Show 058, Ray updates us on hurricane in Florida
2:55:06 GESARA Show 058, Darren asks if ETs should show themselves, as in "V" TV series?
2:58:27 GESARA Show 058, Intro to UCC1-308 Training.
3:00:38 GESARA Show 061, Charlie on a tightrope and another name for a "car".
3:04:51 GESARA Show 062, No hive Queen, the Enterprise, Oates Studios.
3:07:36 GESARA Show 062, German satire on Ukraine agreement.
3:14:28 GESARA Show 063, The meaning of Qapla'
3:18:39 GESARA Show 067, Billy's Love Sonnet.
3:23:10 GESARA Show 069, TimeRide and deaf ears…
3:31:33 GESARA Show 070, Microphone problems? Name of horse in Jingle Bells?
3:41:14 GESARA Show 072, Did everybody study everything? Substance in Mush-Rooms?
3:44:01 GESARA Show 072, Flying Car…
3:51:35 GESARA Show 074, Billy, ABBAtars and Avatars.
3:59:39 GESARA Show 076, St. Germaine's channellings on GESARA with Gerd.
4:08:19 GESARA Show 076, Channeling: A Pair of Unborn Twins Discuss Fake News.
4:10:41 GESARA Show 081, Billy singing, A White Hat Christmas,
4:16:04 GESARA Show 078, Alf vs Elf, Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
4:18:19 End Credits
4:18:39 End.

The GESARA Show returns on January 4, 2023

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