The Vote to Pass The Budget Is About to Happen in the Senate for the State, General, Capital, Men…

2 years ago

Today on the Senate Floor....

Today 20 Members of the Senate will be debating how to spend $9 Billion Dollars. The Proposed Budget was suppose to be only $4.5 Billion. Instead of Paying a Statutory PFD & paying us back what they have stolen from us over the last 6 years. They have taken that money and handed it right over to the Special Interests of Alaska.

The Supplemental Budget, that in the worst of times, has only reached $600 Million to cover things like the year of Raging Forest Fires & Earthquake that devastated our Great State of Alaska. Yet here they are trying to spend $1.4 Billion...

Now in most years they have a $100 Million in supplemental items that needed more money to cover. Usually is needed to pay for Healthcare that wasn't covered. Not this year.... They have flooded that money into Special Interests pockets in an attempt to spend every penny of that $4.5 Billion Surplus that they have this year in "Tax Revenue"

Another $1.2 Billion is being Illegally Spent to Forward Fund K-12, Another $60 Million Bonus is going to them also. University of Alaska receives a Raise of $15 Million to their Budget. Completely eliminating any cuts that have been made the last 3 years to their budget.

What is above is just the tip of the Iceberg for the Corruption on full display in Juneau...

On The Calendar for today:


Nearly 40% of Alaskans, thanks to the pandemic, now live on one form of welfare or another. We were just less than 1/3 our population, before it all started.

Sadly people like Poison Ivy, Socialist Imhof & her Rasmuson Foundation that receive millions/billions from our State, Local, & federal government, Republican/Democrat Merrick who sold out to the Unions, Heath Care owned Wilson, Stedman (who has been reported to not even live in the district he is voted to represent), cares more about spending all that federal money & our PFD’s every year, then helping his district, which by the way has one of highest poverty rates in our state, but the money he approves, they approve in the Finance Committee’s, only heads directly into the Special Interests pocket books, this is just a short list of those Lawbreaking Legislators in Juneau who have sold out to Special Interests, they think that the PFD belongs to them.

Natasha von Imhof has been pushing her SB199 to every far left organization who’s sole goal is to get as many state dollars as they can added to their already pork filled bank accounts. She thinks 25% to us & 75% to them is a fair deal. With language that says they may or may not give us our 25% if they think they can spend it better than we can & must have $750,000,000... Strike that... $800,000,000 in new taxes before that would ever pay out 50% to us Alaskans. You read that correctly, $800 Million in New Taxes & under this Statute it will take years to step up to the 25%. That they May or May Not, decide to give us.

Now the Senate Finance is the only committee to hear that bill. Those pushing SB199 know that any Alaskan with a brain knows, it won’t be followed by them. We have seen for Seven Long Years now how well the Follow the Law/Statutes that we already have on the books.

You could call this bill the Imhof/Stedman/Bishop black pill parting gift to Alaskans to make sure their Special Interests are well funded and Alaskans get the shaft again,


This bills is so Corrupt. They it makes what ENRON did, look like child’s play!

Did you also know that if they don't get that $800 Million in new Taxes by the end of 2028. They will go to a 25/75% Split from then on out & May or May Not pay us the 25%, They have a catch 22 in the bill that says, "Only if They Don't Need It To Pay For The Special Interest in Government First!"

Did you also know that they could get $800 Million in new taxes added next year and because of the way the bill is written. They still wouldn't pay us a 50/50 PFD until 2028 & that is only if they "Feel Like It!" Never forget they purposefully wrote the bill with the word "May". When it comes to paying any PFD. Because they control the Purse Strings. That "May" in the bill is Just like the "May" they have usee to justify 7 Long Years of Stealing Our Statutory PFD's.

We are working hard at Politadick to Expose what MSM refuses to tell you. Uncovering what our corrupt government doesn’t want you to know.

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