Russia Fires 2S5 "Giatsint-S" 152 mm self-propelled gun On Kharkiv Ukraine

1 year ago

Embed with the Russian Army and Come To the Kharkiv / Kharkov front line in the Russia-Ukraine war Zone and see Artillery Battles Rage. For over a month I have been embedded with the Russian Army In Kharkov Region.
In this report, the Russia Fires 2S5 "Giatsint-S" Soviet/Russian 152 mm self-propelled gun On Ukrainian Army Positions In Kharkiv / Kahrov Region Of Ukraine.
They walk us through the process of targeting to firing AND I confront them on Ukraine reports of civilians being targeted
The 2S5 Giatsint-S (Russian: 2С5 «Гиацинт-С»; English: hyacinth) is a Soviet/Russian 152 mm self-propelled gun. "2S5" is its GRAU designation. It has nuclear, biological, and chemical protection. The 2S5 is capable of engaging targets at longer ranges and at a higher rate of fire than the more widely produced 2S3 Akatsiya, and is capable of firing nuclear projectiles.
Production of the 2S5 Giatsint-S started in 1976 along with the towed version the 2A36 Giatsint-B. It uses a chassis modified from the SA-4 Krug surface-to-air missile system with good cross-country mobility, and can carry 30 152 mm rounds with a range of 28 kilometers, or 33-40 kilometers for rocket-assisted projectiles. In addition to high explosives, the gun can also fire HEAT, cluster, smoke and nuclear projectiles. Deploying to fire the gun takes 3 minutes, and it can sustain a rate of fire of 5 to 6 rounds per min. Most of the crew, with the exception of the gunner, deploys outside of the vehicle while firing. It is usually accompanied by an ammunition carrier with an additional 30 rounds of ammunition.

The 2S5 was introduced into service in 1978, replacing the 130mm M46 field gun battalions in Soviet artillery brigades at the Army and Front level. Production ceased in 1991. It has been used in Soviet-Afghan War, First Chechen War, Second Chechen War, War in Donbas
Much of The Kharkiv region of Ukraine was taken controll of by Russian Forces back In February and March but in September Ukraine took control of much of it. Since then Ukraine and the western media have been trying to portry that Ukraine is in total control of the region but that is far from true. Now Russia is taking back many border areas of Kharrkov Ukraine while wiping out large groups of Ukraine soldiers daily with heavy daily artillery attacks. In the last month, several areas have come back under Russian control.

Now Kharkov is by far not the only front line. There is the front line of Ukraine's struggle on the Kherson direction where for weeks Russia has been evacuating civilians from huge areas and Russian President Vladimir Putin said civilians must be evacuated from the Kherson war zone. Russian flags slowly started to come down from the administration buildings. Russia has now evacuated the city completely and Ukraine is now in control. And in fact Ukraine controll has trigered a humanitarian crisis in the city of Kherson and now Ukraine is make civilians evacuate.
As Russia digs in just across the Dniper river from Kherson seems to be setting the scene for possibly huge battles across the area.
As there is no coverage in English from the Russia controlled Kherson region our team is needed there and we will go soon but for now we are in Kharkov and the Lugansk People's Republic(internationally recognized as the Lugansk region).
The front is not only the hot area of debate of course.
The United States, at the request of China, persuaded Poland not to send MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, according to sources in the British magazine The Spectator. According to them, Beijing was afraid of the escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine.
The Belgian government blocked a deal to supply the UK with technologies critical to the combat readiness of the UK's nuclear deterrent, although both countries are members of NATO - The Times.
Belarus president Lukashenko said that he would not be against the helping Russia in the war in the event of an Ukraine invaded or incroched on the territory of Belarus.
As winter sets in the power and water suply of much of Ukraine have been disrupted by the Russian cruise missle attacks.

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.

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