The Red Wave That Wasn't | Adam Green | TMR

1 year ago

Sam, Emma, and the MR Crew reflect on a surprising midterm election and break down some of the biggest results from last night. Then, they’re joined by Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), to discuss the midterm results from the progressives' perspective. Adam Green begins by parsing through the mainstream Democrats’ “win or lose, stab progressives in the back” strategy leading up to the midterms, and how that completely fell through with last night’s incredible success for the left, with voting blocks nationwide proving their embrace of left-of-center policy (particularly via referendum) and democracy writ large, with no major progressive loses really occurring. After tackling the upstream fight that faced the Democrats this election cycle (particularly following the centrist stifling of Biden’s entire economic agenda), Adam, Emma, and Sam discuss the likelihood of a runoff in the Georgia Senate race, and wrap up the interview with an extended conversation on where Biden and the Dems should go next.

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Co-founder of the P Triple C. that is the progressive change Campaign Committee Adam green. Hello Adam. Hey. Good to see you on this lovely morning. Everybody's a little bit tired but also likes not feeling it in the way that we could have been feeling it. yeah. yeah. It's really a different world than we thought we would wake up to today you know. Let's start with that. Okay because as you know like I don't know at 6 p.m last night I have like I don't know like I collected 10 statements that are already sort of like put out there by different organizations. You know you had Clyburn already out there getting interviewed saying we've got to do a reassessment. You know, jumping the gun a little bit. Like they're all trying and frankly I bet you there were a lot of reporters and analysts who already had their template written. You had just even weeks ago you had you know Axios writing stories like the third way and you know Carville and you know what's his face I can't remember the other dude from you know Paul Begala we've things are too radical with the Democrats and et cetera et cetera. And they've gone too far. and everybody had to toss those scripts, didn't they? They did and a lot of those scripts involved stabbing progressives in the back. They were ready. totally. Win or lose they want to stop progressives in the back. And the question is this what will the terms be? And I think Third Way put out some big report that's completely moot at this point assessing all the things that went wrong with Biden following progressives in in a progressive Direction. you know that was one of the big things I was worried about were people basically saying Biden you went too far. You followed progressives too far. gotta trim your sails. Austerity. Add in some woke politics stuff. And fortunately, a lot of those voices are mooted today. You know my starting point just kind of assessing what just happened is that democracy has another two-year lease on life. Right? we have two years where it looks like we'll have secretaries of Camp of State who can count the votes fairly. and governors who will certify the elections fairly in most places. Enough to survive in 2024. And we have a willingness of voters to show up for Democrats to keep democracy and the priorities that happen in a functioning democracy moving forward.

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