Family Guy COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness PSA (Sep. 2021)

1 year ago

Lots and lots of official misinformation and official misleading information in this public service announce (made by the Ad Council in close cooperation with the CDC), for example:

1. "Small pox eliminated from the face of the earth" due to vaccines. It has been shown that the small pox vaccine was neither safe nor effective. See for example:

Smallpox Illusions. How safe and effective was that vaccine? | dr. Suzanne Humphries

2. Polio eradicated due to vaccines. Polio is caused by toxins like DDT. Its incidence increased dramatically when the use of DDT was sharply increased after 1945, and decreased dramatically after the use of DDT was sharply decreased after 1951. The sharp decrease predates the introduction of the polio vaccine in 1955. See for example:

Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud | dr. Sam Bailey

3. mRNA vaccine drastically reduces the chances that you get COVID... except it does exactly the opposite.

4. mRNA vaccine "also results in the creation of memory cells that will fight the virus in years to come". Oh, so that's why the injections have negative efficacy 😂

5. "As of now, billions of COVID vaccines have been administered safely to people around the world". This is true, except for the word 'safely' (and the word 'vaccine'). Side-effects are not so much rare, but just the tip of the iceberg. For example, a recent prospective study showed that a whopping 2.3% of Thai adolescent got clinical or subclinical myocarditis, and many more got other cardiac related side-effects. See:

Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents

These results have since been confirmed in a Swiss study, see:

Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings | dr. Vinay Prasad

These studies only investigated heart inflammation. There are hundreds more vaxx-induced side-effects.

6. "The common side-effects are generally mild and last a few days". See:

LEAKED VIDEO: Israeli Ministry of Health knows jabs cause frequent, severe, enduring side-effects

7. "COVID can have serious, long-term side-effects." That's why you should take harmless, highly effective measures such as: fresh air, optimal humidity, adequate vitamin D blood level, early effective combination therapy in case of disease, healthy diet/lifestyle, voluntary protection of the high risk group.

The claim also implies that the jabs protect you from COVID, which they don't. If you get jabbed, your chances of getting COVID are certainly not decreased and you ALSO run the risk of getting vaxx side-effects. The risk of vaxx side-effects returns with each booster, just like with playing Russian roulette multiple times.

8. "Getting the shot not only protects him, but also the people around him". Dr. Deborah Birx admitted that claims on reduction of transmission were based on mere hope. See:

Dr. Deborah Birx Admits That Vaccine Efficacy Claims Were Based on 'Hope,' Not Science

Pfizer director admits they never tested whether COVID 'vaccine' prevents transmission

All the real world data show that the jabs make infection more likely and certainly don't reduce transmission (assuming COVID is even a transmissible disease, which has NOT been proven adequately).

9. "If the virus is allowed to spread through an unvaccinated population, it could mutate into a variant that the vaccines might not protect against". This is why you should NOT use 'narrow' vaccines in combination with fast mutating pathogens (assuming viruses even exist and COVID is caused by a virus).

In fact, large scale use of narrow vaccines combined with mutating pathogens will only make immune escape MORE likely, just like large scale use of antibiotics is guaranteed to lead to antibiotic resistance. The solution is not to vaccinate is MUCH as possible, but to vaccinate as LITTLE as possible.

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