Weekly Tea Leaf Reading - Oct 10, 2022 | Abundance | Good Changes | Helpful People | Tidy Up Time!

1 year ago


This is a general weekly tea leaf reading for the week of October 10th, 2022!

What a week!!! The leaves were accurate for sure, with the start of my week being off to a frustrating and slow start!!!!

Before watching any of the general weekly tea leaf readings I post, you may find it beneficial and/or helpful to watch my Introductory video. There, I briefly speak about how I read tea leaves, as I am aware that different people approach tea leaf reading differently.

Here is the link to my introductory video, called "Nice to Meet You!"

If you are interested in learning more about me, or to schedule a reading, thank you!

You are welcome to visit my website: http://www.sarah-adamson.com

*These readings are GENERAL ONLY, so you may find they somewhat apply to you, or not at all. This is to be expected as these are general readings only.
*Therefore, please take what resonates (or feels right) with you, and leave what does not.
*Simply said, I hope you enjoy this reading, and that you find it helpful and


---My Videos Are:
*NOT intended to replace ANY form of advice or treatment. ALWAYS consult professionals, medical or otherwise, as needed.
*I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe any condition, medical or otherwise. Again, please use your own discernment when making any decision and consult professionals as needed.
*NOT intended as factual.
*NOT a decision-making replacement.
*If you watch my videos, I am not responsible for your thoughts/actions in ANY way/area of life, such as medical, financial, legal and all other areas.
*We are all responsible for our own decisions.

My suggestion is to ALWAYS use your own discernment and make decisions you feel are right for you.

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