Unbreakable - Episode 7 Bonus 1 Unbreakable Progress: Emerging Medical Practices That Work

1 year ago

Unbreakable Destined to Thrive Reloaded Series
Bonus Episode #7 - Unbreakable Progress:
Emerging Medical Practices That Work

When you watch Unbreakable Progress: Emerging Medical Practices That Work, you’ll hear about…

What one bioweapon specialist recommends to protect yourself with if you’ve received the vaccine.
How top medical experts are healing those who are suffering from a post-vaccine injury (everything has changed since the discovery of harmful toxins and even venom in the vaccine).
Why many experts are saying the “die-off” of the vaccinated hasn’t even started yet (this is very shocking but you need to hear this to protect yourself in the future).
The power of humic and fulvic acid and why it’s so important for those healing from vaccine injury.
How to make your cells work for you via nutrient timing (intermittent fasting can be a very powerful ally to your health and healing).


Dr Lee Merritt - MD Orthopedic Surgeon and Anti-Aging Medicine practicing since 1995

DR Edward Group, DC

Dr Bryan Ardis, DC chiropractor, acupuncturies, and medical researcher

Dr Ben Marble, MD
first MD to treat patients for FREE in all 50 States

Dr. Pierre Kory MD MPA
Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist

Robin Openshaw MSW Author of 15 books

Dr Judy Mikovits PHD in biochemistry and molecular biology

Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, natural health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and humanitarian.
He has created several highly-acclaimed, groundbreaking docuseries — Vaccine Secrets, COVID Secrets, Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets, Autoimmune Secrets, Natural Medicine Secrets, Women’s Health Secrets, and Autoimmune Answers — covering innovative, effective natural remedies for autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, mental health, cancer, and heart disease.
Get the whole series here => https://unbreakableseries.com/own/

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