What causes lower abdominal pain in females? http://corneey.com/edGLFM

1 year ago

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Lower abdominal pain in women is a common health condition that affects women. Abdominal pain is the pain in your tummy area below your belly button. Sometimes it is also known as pelvic pain.
There are several causes of abdominal pain in women. It ranges from menstrual cramps to intestinal disorders. It is mostly a common phenomenon that affects adult women of all age groups.
However, some causes can be severe, and it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Knowing about some of these conditions will help you prevent and control them.
What causes lower abdominal pain in females?
The lower abdomen is an area where various organs are crowded next to each other. So, pain in different areas of your abdomen could be caused by different reasons.
The pain in the lower abdomen and back in females is one of the common unpleasant feelings they undergo. The lower abdomen has two major organs in women — the bowel and the uterus.
So, if you feel pain in your lower abdomen, it will be due to some uncomfortable issues with these organs.
Menstrual cramps
These are the pains you experience during your menstruation period or simply period. In some women, the pain will be much more intense. This is called Dysmenorrhea.
This pain in your lower abdomen often even spreads to your back. In some cases, it may cause even nausea, headache and diarrhoea.
It is common for us to take painkillers in such situations. But, continuous dosage of painkillers may lead to some undesirable side effects.
However, this pain can be controlled in the following ways:
Apply heat to your lower abdomen using a hot water bottle or a heating pad.
Massage your abdomen with essential oils such as lavender, fennel, rose, etc.
Avoid fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks during your menstrual periods.
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Our urinary system is generally designed to fight external infections by microorganisms. But sometimes, these defences might fall, and some infectious bacteria may enter your urinary system.
This grows up and causes infections that lead to pain in your lower abdomen.
Sometimes, these infections can be mild and go away by consuming lots of fluids and water. But it can also be severe and might even affect your kidneys as well.
Severe UTI leads to chronic pain on both sides of your lower abdomen.
UTI can be controlled and prevented by:
Drinking plenty of fluids, including water
Drinking cranberry juice (although there is no conclusive study, many women recommended this)
Avoid using products that cause potential skin irritation, such as deodorants, powders, etc.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease is caused due to infection in a woman’s reproductive organs. It occurs due to sexually transmitted bacteria from the vagina to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.
For mild infections, you wouldn’t feel anything. But as the infection spreads, there may be severe pain in the lower abdomen area. It is advisable to see a doctor before it becomes severe.
Pain in the lower left abdomen
Some may experience continuous pain in the left side of the abdomen. The left side of your lower abdomen houses the colon and the ovary.
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