Malice in Wonderland: Dems Believe Sabotaging USA Will Create Socialism

1 year ago

American Liberals Feel Mystic Marxism Will Magically Morph Society Into Communism

Democrats have toiled since Biden’s first day to unravel America’s preeminent standard of living, as policies cause fuel to skyrocket & inflation to detonate. In fact, most Biden policies simply destroy liberty and wealth by design. For instance, Dems reward the millions invading our border states, while violating federal statutes, by paying them, then relocating across the USA to unknowing cities. Thus are destroyed our law, budgets, safety, sovereignty, economy and ultimately our American identity.

Leftists insist that such paperless, foreign invasions represent “charity.” If so, why the wild spike in narcotic smuggling, killing hundreds of thousands of citizens? Also, much worse, many foreign children aren’t relocated but simply enslaved as underage prostitutes. Meanwhile, cartels reap billions. So, it’s obvious. Democrats will underwrite outright evil to purposely sabotage America to bring a socialist revolution.

How to describe liberal, Marxist strategies to establish statism?

1. It’s a political religion (see Voegelin’s “Science, Politics and Gnosticism”), originally premiered during the French Revolution -- Comte’s “Religion of Humanity.” Voegelin writes, “The world is experiencing a serious crisis, is undergoing a process of withering, which has its origins in the secularization of the soul and in the ensuing severance of a consequently purely secular soul from its roots in religiousness.”

2. The sabotage is “Reverse Socialism,” where governments throw off the chains of democracy to embrace Marxism. The belief is, if America is forced into impoverishment and mistakes in every way, then our ignorant masses will reject America itself and cry out for government care, like orphaned, blind, newborn kittens mewling for milk, warmth and safety.

3. That world “Chaos” will reorder itself, magically, as a quasi-scientific recapitulation of: “the self-organizing fractal theory as a universal discovery method…” or some other intellectual claptrap. So, as leftists propel the chaos of revolution, the aftermath resettles as socialism, as progressives believe this is the nature of reality. In fact, as James Lindsay states Marxism uses Magical Thinking. There is, at core, a shocking kernel of mysticism in Marxism which simply assumes decisions made dedicated to Marxism will directly transition capitalism to socialism.

4. The world environmental cult birthing Global Warming is a myth based on a Marxist model. Here, rich countries must pay poor ones for the right to develop industry. Carbon credits are purchased in a perfect mirror of socialism. This massively influential anti-Capitalist movement moved incredible amounts of wealth without any perceptible impact. Yet it well illustrates the Left’s hatred of capitalism, working as an anchor holding back every modern economy.

5. Since capitalism is evil, sniveling consumers are worthless cosmic maggots fit for destruction. Therefore, genuine elites bear their truth, Fiat Luxe: Light of the world. These Marxist gnostics will destroy any poor slob to usher in future salvation via communism. Recall Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez boasting, “'Queens is not for sale’” celebrating killing 40,000 jobs for her constituents via Amazon: “Today was the day a group of dedicated, everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world.”

So, to understand what is happening to our once thriving country, our current leaders, influenced by Marxism, believe they must sabotage America to cause our fall. And this willful collapse ought to, by some element of magic, cause our country to morph from capitalism into socialism.

Yet, history informs us that this mystical metamorphosis will not occur, so we must understand our enemies in this endeavor. We must seek to regain power before civilization is set back by hundreds of years. Future Americans deserve better than living in a materialist cult, stuck in a fake religion. Driven from pillar to post by evil tyrants intent on enslaving the entire globe in their wicked ignorance and satanic practices.

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