EMF shield for phones and other electronics

1 year ago

EMF shield for phones and other electronics

Here's a very good demonstration of how all shielding EMF protection pouches, cases, and fabrics can actually make you get more EMF exposure than less!

It's long, but if you watch til the end, you'll see how the meter manufacturer says to measure EMF radiation using Far Field detection. The radiation level is about 20% less with the pouch and 20% more with the pocket shield.

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EMF shield for phones and other electronics
We all know we use our phones too much
Even when I'm not using it, it's right by my side
While they are convenient they do come with unknown risks
With our Negative Ions Sticker and EMF Shield
you can provide yourself more protection from these devices
AND also give the gift of protection to friends and family
For more info go grab the link in the description

Anti Radiation Phone Cases or Device Cases Do Not Offer
Adequate EMF Protection For My Family.

These can make the radiation worse by magnifying it on the edges of what
the case is covering. -Covering the Front Of The Case Does Not Protect
You From The Radiation coming from All Sides And TOP of the Phone

Laptop Shields Do Not Give Adequate EMF Protection To My Loved Ones.

As with phone cases, the edge of the laptop shield is oozing EMF.
Add to that, in order for the shield to protect your lap, which is
usually your legs- the radiation is multiplied on the top of the shield.
That means more radiation to your hands, tummy, chest, and face.

Clothing with metallic fibers can keep direct radiation exposure off the
the area that it's covering-but it can also magnify that radiation to other
parts of your body in what the new research calls Hot Spots.

Also, we really aren't sure about the health mechanism of EMF exposure. Just because one part of you is covered, what's happening to the rest of you? Building Biologist Bill Cadwallader puts it this way: "Which body part isn't important to you?"

EMF shields for phones and other electronics will lower the emf by a huge amount. I'm not sure about you but I know I rather have an EMF shield than not have one. Plus the price is so cheap it is kind of a no brianer.

Shielding cases, clothing, and anti-radiation products can increase radiation levels around the shielded area. And any part of the wireless device(cellphones, WiFi, Tablets, etc) that are not completely covered is still EMITTING RF-Radiation.

D.J. Panagopoulos and G.P. Chrousos, authors of a study on EMF shielding explain
why shielding is actually a risk:

"One cannot modify the radiation (frequency, waveform) once it has been emitted by a device. One can only attenuate it (reduce its intensity). The modification would only be possible by modifying the electronic circuits within the devices. Even if that were the case with these products,
which is not, once the emitted signal is modified or attenuated, the device (mobile phone, etc.) would lose its ability to connect with the network and communicate. If one simply attenuates the signal without modifying it, which is possible, the mobile phone again will have difficulty
in establishing a connection with the base antennas and automatically will emit a stronger signal/radiation/EMF in order to be able to connect/communicate . . . .

This is why it is dangerous to put the mobile phone within any kind of metal box/ sheath/holster etc. in order to carry it on the clothes/body while it is turned on.
Any such product will attenuate the incoming signal, . . thus it will attenuate the connectivity of the mobile phone. The less the connectivity is, the stronger the emission of the device becomes in order to be able to connect with the network."

Our Mission at Tech Wellness is to empower you to live a more healthy, safe, secure, and balanced relationship with digital technology.

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EMF shield for phones and other electronics,
EMF shield for phones, EMF shield for electronics,
EMF shield, EMF, phone EMP shield, Electronic EMF shield,
Negative Ions Sticker,

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