Doctrine Matters- Pre-Tribulation Rapture Reasons, Divorce and Remarriage IS Adultery part 2

3 years ago

The pastors and Bible teachers are lying to you. The rapture is pre-Tribulation , and I am reading part of a document called 250 Reasons for the Pre-Trib rapture. The church is the Bride of Christ not Israel. Here’s the good news: God has provided A WAY by which sinful mankind can approach His HOLINESS. He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, into the world, that whosoever believes on Him SHOULD NOT PERISH, but have everlasting life! Jesus paid a HIGH PRICE to save us--shedding His blood, dying and resurrecting, so that we can have FELLOWSHIP with Him and with the Father. If we believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church, REALLY BELIEVE IT, we look for Jesus to arrive at any moment, and are full of joy. Read through Reasons 11- 145.

(SORRY-YouTube took out a movie clip from the video, but the movie link is below) The clip I was showing was a pastor who was left behind and crying about how many he had led astray and caused to be left behind. He had studied the Bible diligently, but he didn't warn his congregation.

They also are lying to you about divorce and remarriage!! Jesus said it would be like in the days of Noah, marrying and giving in marriage. Don't you want someone to tell you the truth about what the Bible says to warn you instead of wanting your money or popularity? This is the truth that I have known for sixteen years when I got born again, Holy Spirit filled and started reading the Bible every day for myself. You can learn this too, and come to repentance leaving adultery and warn others too! Repentance is to leave the sins you loved before and show that you in earnest grieve by doing so no more. Believing in the blood of Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation, you will want to live holy and pure lives to be ready for any day that Jesus makes His personal appearance in the clouds to harpazo/seize catch up His church. Please check out my extensive playlist on Divorce and Remarriage Adultery.

Divorce and Remarriage: The Cost of Following Christ-

Scene of pastor left behind is the movie- A Thief In The Night (1972)-

Summary of what the Bible teaches-

Divorce and Remarriage is Adultery gospel tract by Sharon Johnson at MovtivatingU2Win.

Questions and Answers- (What about if I became a Christian after I remarried? What about Deuteronomy 24? What about Herod and Herodias?....)

Philippians 2:12-13, Colossians 3, Psalms 89-97, Jude

250 Reasons for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture-

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