"The Dividing Ascent"- Words from the Lord- Father, Son and Holy Spirit- Ezekiel 33, Rapture Ready 🙏

2 years ago

God speaks to His servants, and I know the rapture is soon. This includes two songs the Holy Spirit "downloaded " to me: Save A Pastor Who's Not Going In The Rapture and Forever Lord, Oh Come Quickly. I read a prophecy the Lord gave me on March 25, 2021. Test the words to see if they agree with the Bible. Also some very good news about a 17 year old who just got on fire for Jesus and is getting baptized on Easter Sunday with a testimony video- Oh Happy Day!

Talked with a pastor who gave me the typical three reasons for divorce and remarriage, but I kept giving him the Scriptures until he told me I was not a pastor so I couldn't understand the Bible, and his church is a Pentecostal one where just over a week before he had proclaimed, "What God has joined together let no man put asunder." I forgot to say that he said there was no way he was going to tell his church what the Bible says. He did tell me that I was not welcome to come to his church, so I did not attend Rachael's baptism.

Be strong and courageous, saints. Maranatha.

Titus, Ezekiel 33, Jude

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