YOU ARE ENERGY | Heal Self-Esteem & Restore Self-Assurance | Solar Plexus Chakra Frequency Music

2 years ago

You Are Energy! You have all you need inside you! Connect to your energy centre, heal and raise your personal strength, re-establish your self-esteem and gain self-assurance. This music for meditation and/or sleep has been composed in a healing frequency our Solar Plexus Chakra can resonate with and is here for your to lovingly help you free yourself from all negative and destructive influences and heal with the help of your own source of energy and power 🔆

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Our Solar Plexus Chakra, also called “Manipura” is the center of strength, self-esteem, personal power, the power of transformation and many more. It carries our need and drive to bring our own ideas into the world, to make them become reality, and to overcome any challenges along the way. Our solar plexus chakra is an inexhaustible source of energy, self-confidence and power. It is the place where our power for change, for discipline, assurance and self-transformation is located, but also the need for control over situations that could become overwhelming.

When our Solar Plexus Chakra is open and the Manipura Energy flows freely, it is responsible for a strong willpower and indestructible self-assurance. A person with a healthy, open and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra radiates natural power and does not let others take it away.

But when the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance or blocked, we feel insecure and out of touch with the wonderful beauty and fire within ourselves. We feel the lack of self-esteem, we feel powerless and unable to take responsibility.

It is therefore vital to open and heal our Solar Plexus Chakra to restore balance and let motivation, ambition, power and self-esteem enter ourselves and our lives again.

The present music for meditation and/or sleep is based on a natural 432Hz Chakra grid. According to this grid, the frequency our Solar Plexus Chakra can resonate with, is 324 Hz.

For this meditation and/or sleep music, all instruments have been specifically and carefully tuned to 324 Hz. Therefore, the music in this video is an original 324 Hz composition and has not been artificially tuned to 324Hz after completion. I am convinced that composing music in the original frequency will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive energy and benefits of this particular Chakra frequency.

If you enjoy this video, you might also resonate with my Chakra healing music playlist:

Feel free to listen to this meditation and/or sleep music with headphones at a moderate level or - if you prefer - just let it flow through open space. As long as it is positive for your body and soul, it will be positive for you.

Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼

Note: Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening. Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment.

Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad
Copyright ⓒ 2022 Inner Lotus Music ™. All rights reserved.

Some elements of this video were legally purchased from and and re-edited in our unique artistic style. The reuse, event in parts, of any video, image and/or music from this channel is strictly prohibited !

We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use.

This You are Energy | Heal your Self-Esteem & Restore your Self-Assurance | Solar Plexus Chakra Frequency Music for meditation and/or sleep has been composed with Love in the natural 432Hz Chakra grid based frequency of 324 Hz. It can also be used as heal and raise your self-esteem meditation and/or sleep music, heal and restore your self-assurance meditation and/or sleep music, you are energy meditation and/or sleep music, Solar Plexus Chakra meditation, Solar Plexus Chakra cleansing, Solar Plexus Chakra opening, Solar Plexus Chakra healing, Solar Plexus Chakra balancing, as Solar Plexus Chakra sleep music and for all activities that benefit from meditation music in the Solar Plexus Chakra healing frequency of 324Hz.

#innerlotusmusic #solfeggiohealingmusic #chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing 324 hz, Solarplexus Chakra, raise your self-esteem, restore your self-assurance, you are energy, solar plexus chakra gain energy, solar plexus chakra meditation and sleep music

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