High School Students Perform Haka As A Send-Off For A Lost Friend

6 years ago

There are no words to describe the feeling left behind by the loss of a loved one. Everyone deals with the grief in their own way, but certain cultures around the world have created ways that allow everyone to show and utilize their grief. Such are the Maori and their Haka.

The Haka started out as a traditional war cry, dance, or challenge in Maori culture. Originally performed by Maori warriors before a battle, a Haka is also performed to welcome distinguished guests, or to acknowledge great achievements, occasions or funerals.

When young Jarom Rihari from Hamilton city, New Zealand, committed suicide in the middle of 2017, he left many of his peers heartbroken. To honor him for one last time, his friends and high school peers performed one last Haka for their lost friend. Many of the Haka honor warriors in every sense of the word, so this one is no different. Thanks to one Reddit user, the translation goes as follows:

“What is right is always right
Be true to yourself my son
My concerns have been raised about you
What is this problem you are carrying?
How long have you been carrying it for?
Have you got that? Right, let's go on
So son, although it might be difficult for you
and son, although it seems to be unyielding
no matter how long you reflect on it
the answer to the problem
is here inside you
Yes, Indeed”

What really struck a chord with us is the boy out front, clearly struggling to keep himself together during the Haka. While he weeps for his friend, his fellows keep the Haka for him, while sending off the Tau tau, a type of effigy that Jarom’s friends and brothers made to honor him.

Students at a New Zealand high school in Hamilton city chose to give a moving farewell to their suicidal peer with a rousing performance of the Haka performance. As seen in the footage, numerous students have gathered in the school premises and performed an emotional Haka for their long lost friend.

Being a traditional war cry, dance, or challenge from the Maori people of New Zealand, the haka is memorably performed at the start of sporting events, but it is also used to acknowledge distinguished figures.

These devoted high school students give fierce Haka display, as their personal funeral service for their lost friend. This powerful performance shows just how much he will be missed by his friends. Judging by the emotion these students put into displaying a memorable Haka for their friend makes this gesture even more heartwarming.

These students used the traditional war cry of the Maori people to give the highest honor to their loving friend, who unfortunately took his life. He will be remembered for good and will always be in his friends’ hearts! What a touching performance this is!

What did you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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