STRAWMAN: The Nature of the Cage [2015] – John K. Webster (Documentary Video)

6 months ago

STRAWMAN: The Nature of the Cage [2015] – John K. Webster (Documentary Video)
Sovereignty -- is the quality of having supreme independent authority over your own flesh and blood human body or territory.
Legal and Lawful are NOT the same. You will learn the difference.
Slavery -- is the legal fiction that a person is property.
Corporate Personhood -- is the legal fiction that property is a person.
Strawman - The Nature of The Cage is a documentary film, which sets about explaining the complexities surrounding legal terms that you may have never heard about before, or at least not in this context. What you perceive as legal, does not always mean it is law, in fact very often it doesn't.

Strawman – The Nature of the Cage is a cutting-edge video like no other. It highlights the TRUTH around Debt, the Legal Fiction, Lawful vs. Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, and modern-day Policing.
The film gives a detailed overview as to how you can address these issues in your personal life, offering knowledge on how to Lawfully deal with any kind of False Authority, if you haven't broken any Laws.
Drawing on the expertise of Trailblazers who have risked everything to deliver this usually unavailable information, Strawman will outline information that you would otherwise be completely unaware of.
Government & Religions work together hand-in-hand to create that cage, which is a prison for the mind, body & soul.
The film gives a detailed overview as to how you can address these issues in your personal life, offering knowledge on how to Lawfully deal with any kind of authority, if you haven't broken any Laws.
John K Webster, who has spent 18 months researching and making this film, has one goal... having noticed the increase of suicides in the UK that relate directly to monetary worries, he says "If this film saves one life, my work is done."
This film applies to everyone, regardless of your personal situation. It is important to know how the system works and more importantly, how it is working you.
It is said that you must first know that you are in a cage, before you can escape from that cage.
Source: "Max2020"
NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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