#53 Galactic Ambassadors Podcast ft. Renee Varnadore (QSG Practitioner)

7 months ago

We are delighted to introduce Rene Varnadore from California, as our recently certified QSG Practitioner. In this podcast we talked about what it was like for Renee to being able to perceive Angelic beings since early childhood and having a very expanded view of life. Strengthening her intuitive abilities since 80ies by doing tarot and angel card readings, completing numerous spiritual courses certifications and creating a Soul Portal Map process to help others evolve spiritually.
She shared how transiting Uranus on natal Neptune conjunct Shapley Attractor can feel like the most activating spiritual experience and how it inspired her to focus in her Quantum Soul Guidance clients sessions on delineating their most transformational life experiences by applying Galactic Astrology. Rene is dedicated to casting a light on the most profound moments in our life by leveraging her own powerful planetary connections to supra cosmic points and all four Royal Stars linked to Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.

To book your session with Renee, visit her website:
or email her at: renee.varnadore@gmail.com

00:00 Welcome
02:00 Renee's story of her spiritual experiences
15:55 Star Family Vision Board
21:12 - Astrology explained via The Theatre Metaphor
22:00 - Renee's key Galactic connections explained
Pluto conjunct Regulus at 29 degrees of Leo 7H
Neptune conjunct Shapley 9H
Jupiter conjunct Super Galactic Center 8H
Saturn conjunct Antares 10H opposite Aldebaran 4H
Mars opposite Fomalhaut 7H
24:40 - Understanding profound moments in life via Galactic Astrology
27:00 - Lilith in Pisces 1H, Chiron in Aquarius 1H - navigating feeling misunderstood
30:00 - Aligning to divine flow with Galactic Astrology transits
34:00 - Create your own Galactic Family Vision Board

Renee's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@reneevarnadore2155

Renee's Facebook page: Soul Portal Journeys Sisterhood for free monthly new moon ceremony with Renee: groups/2283694308595036/?_rdc=1&_rdr

QSG Session Type: Video recording

Renee's Additional Qualifications:
Intuitive, Embodied Astrologer specializing in Spiritual Awakening Transits, Guided Meditations, Certified Card Reader and Certified Angel Guide, Spiritual Medium, Spiritual Healer, Certified in 3 energy healing modalities: Healing Touch, Reiki, Energy Codes.

"Hello! I’m Renee Varnadore, Spiritual Teacher and Healer. As a Soul on a Spiritual path, you have questions about your Journey! My readings, Live with you on Zoom, will give you a larger perspective which brings clarity. The Soul Readings help you grasp and integrate the insights you are opening to at this time. What you are experiencing on a Soul level is reflected in your Astrology birth chart. I look primarily at your Stars that relate to the Archangels to determine who your strongest Spiritual guides are. I look at your Cosmic Points to help empower you, so that you can claim your Sovereignty. Thank to understanding Galactic Astrology, I no longer fear my power; I trust that I come from the Power of Love, not the love of power.

For me Galactic Astrology is an expansion of our perspectives. It helps me understand the Essence of You and your unique gifts. My readings will show you how to integrate and use these gifts to help others. By learning to embody who I really am, I heal and we all can heal.

What Soul based question are you currently wrestling with?

Here are a few of the things we could explore when you book a Live on Zoom Video reading depending on your focus question:

· Healing and embodiment of planets and stars in your Galactic Astrology chart

· Clearing karma

· Opening your personal Akashic Records,

· Healing sacred wounds

· Taking Back Your Power

· Guided Meditations

· Unpacking Spiritual Awakening Transits

· Galactic Heritage Card readings

Angel Card reading"

To connect with Ursula, the co-host of this podcast, visit her social media page: https://linkr.ee/ursulaofarrell

To learn more about Galactic Astrology or to become a certified Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner, visit: https://galacticastrology.com
All Julia's social media links: https://linktr.ee/galacticastrology

Thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this podcast thank you for your support by taking time to like, comment or share it with others.

With love and peace,

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