9 Strange Things You will Experience if Your Third Eye is Opening - Third Eye Opening

1 year ago

[👉This page will help you open 3rd eye today: https://tinyurl.com/Third-Eye-is-Opening
This video explains, strange things you will experience if your third eye opens. The video also covers, what is the third eye (third eye chakra / Ajna Chakra). The third eye is a mystical invisible eye which is located on the forehead just above the junction of the eyebrows.
It is also called the mind's eye or inner eye.
On opening of the third eye strange things start to happen to you.
Once your third eye opens, you can perceive the hidden world which can not be perceived by ordinary humans with their physical eyes.
Physical eyes are limited as it can see only the material things but there is much more in this universe which is not in material form. Most part of it is in the energy form.
Here it is worth mentioning that by Albert Einstein's famous Mass Energy Equivalence equation, Mass and energy are actually the same thing and are Inter-convertible but our physical eyes are designed to see mainly the material stuff. So a bigger part of the universe which is in the energy form, is not perceived by our ordinary physical eyes.
As your third eye opens you get access to various mystical powers like you can read what's going in someone's mind, all your confusions vanish and everything becomes crystal clear to you,
your intuition never fails, you feel how we all are connected and are different forms of energy, you get full control of your mind and it also becomes possible to have out of body experiences.
In spiritual world, opening of the third eye is often symbolised by the state of enlightenment.
In Hinduism the third eye refers to the ajna chakra while in Buddhism it is called as the "eye of consciousness".
According to H. P. Blavatsky, the third eye is actually the partially dormant pineal gland.
Pineal gland is responsible for releasing serotonin and melatonin hormones.
These two hormones are responsible for controlling our sleep patterns. Secretion of these hormones mainly depend on sunshine and moonlight. The third eye chakra is closely associated with the light.
So now even the modern scientists have begun to call the pineal gland the third eye.
[👉This page will help you open 3rd eye today: https://tinyurl.com/Third-Eye-is-Opening
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