#082 How Ped*philia in the West Is Becoming Normalized, If We Do Not Act. - Further. Every. Day.

1 year ago

Just as Conservatives warned the culture about the slippery slope of the LGBT agenda, the warnings concerning the normalization of Pedophila have been sung through Conservative halls for decades.


According to D2l.org:
“• Child sexual abuse is likely the most prevalent health problem children face with the most serious array of
consequences. 2
• About one in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday*. 1
• About one in seven girls and one in 25 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18*. 1
• This year, there will be about 400,000* babies born in the U.S. that will become victims of child sexual abuse
unless we do something to stop it.”

Now, just as we saw in the late 2000s in academia, we see the rise of new terms, meant to soften the practice of pedophilia, Minor Attracted Persons, or MAPs. Unlike the LGBT issue, with exception for minor transitions, the harm is not self harm, but the deflowering of children by predators.

We need to make three points clear for those who wish to normalize the pedophilic urge:

Pedophilia is NOT a sexual preference. It is a predation, by nature.
Pedophilia is a learned trait, usually through trauma or exposure to erotica.
Normalization of Pedophilia as anything other than a predation will silence abused children.
Now, to make these points.

Sexual preferences, heterosexual, homosexual, poly-amorous, etc are just that, preferences. These can be changed by decisions that are made over the course of a lifetime, for good or for ill. The New York times, in a pro-pedophile piece even admits this:

”’Science in recent years has begun to provide some answers. One thing most pedophiles have in common: They discover, usually as teenagers, that their sexual preferences have not matured like everyone else’s. Most get stuck on the same-age boys or girls who first attracted them at the start of puberty, though some retain interest in far younger children.
“People don’t choose what arouses them — they discover it,” said Dr. Fred Berlin, director of the Johns Hopkins Sex and Gender Clinic. “No one grows up wanting to be a pedophile.””
Now with any of these preferences, if one were to force someone into an intimate relationship without consent, it would rightly be considered assault. Children do not understand the nature of sexuality and therefore CANNOT consent. Any attempt by an adult to participate in these relationships is inherently predatory. Even more so than a slave trader conniving to sell a 6 year old into a lifetime of slavery with the offer of a trinket or morsel of candy, the pedophile is radically changing the life of a child who no more understands the gravitas of one situation over the other.

Point 2, Pedophilia is a learned trait and normalizing it will only lead to more people learning that trait. Now there is disagreement in the studies concerning the “abused become abusers” trope. There is widespread anecdotal evidence of this, but studies show that there are a number of reasons, including the following:

“experiencing emotional and physical abuse or neglect as a child (Salter et al. 2003);
being exposed to family violence (Salter et al. 2003); and
early exposure to pornography (Simons 2007).”
Now, with the last one in mind, does it really make sense to “normalize” pedophilic behavior? If erotica stimulates and develops these feelings in a person, should we not see it necessary to slice this cancer out of our culture?

Argument 3: Consider a world where pedophilia is normalized, and such behaviors are considered normal. Do you not believe that a 6 year old girl who is taken by a predator wouldn’t be even more afraid than she would be today to come forward with her allegations? If the Pedophile were to have the status that the LGBT individual enjoys, then such an allegation would be even more difficult to bring forward. As it stands, if an adult forces themselves on a child, there is no equivocation; the child cannot consent because they are still innocent and naive to the point where consent is impossible.






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