Postponed till 10:00am May 12, 2022.... Will the Steal Our PFD's or Will the House Concur with t…

2 years ago

The Vote to either Concur the Senates Budget Is About to Happen in the House for the State, General, Capital, Mental Health, Supplemental Budgets & Statutory PFD's!

Tonight on the House Floor....

40 Members of the House will be debating whether or not to Concur with the Senates Budget of $9 Billion Dollars. $3800.00 - $4300.00 Statutory PFD has passed on the Senate Floor yesterday. $1,300 Stimulus/Energy Rebate Check, totaling they say $5,500.00

The Proposed Budget was suppose to be only $4.5 Billion. Instead of Paying a Statutory PFD & paying us back what they have stolen from us over the last 6 years. They have taken that money and handed it right over to the Special Interests of Alaska. They have a total of $15 Billion that they could have spent this year sitting in the General Fund, SBR & in the CBR Accounts they have.

The Supplemental Budget they created, that in the worst of times, has only reached $600 Million to cover things like, the year of Raging Forest Fires swept through our State & Earthquake that devastated a Huge Part of Our Great State of Alaska. Yet here they are, trying to spend $1.4 Billion...

Now in most years they have a $100 Million in supplemental items that needed more money to cover. Usually is needed to pay for Healthcare that wasn't covered. Not this year.... They have flooded that money into Special Interests pockets in an attempt to spend every penny of that $4.5 Billion Surplus that they have this year in "Tax Revenue"

Another $1.2 Billion is being Illegally Spent to Forward Fund K-12, Another $60 Million Bonus is going to them also. University of Alaska receives a Raise of $15 Million to their Budget. Completely eliminating any cuts that have been made the last 3 years to their budget.

What is above is just the tip of the Iceberg for the Corruption on full display in Juneau...



Nearly 40% of Alaskans, thanks to the pandemic, now live on one form of welfare or another. We were just less than 1/3 our population, before it all started.

Sadly people like Rep. Poison Ivy, Rep Bryce Edgmon, Rep. Neal Foster, Rep Kelly Merrik, Rep. Lymon Hoffman, Rep Garan Tarr, Rep Ken McCarthy, Rep Tiffany Zulkosky, Rep Josiah Patkotak, Rep James Kofman, just to name a few think Handing over millions & billions from our State, Local, & federal government to the Special Interests, is more important than All Alaskan Families who are being crushed by the Radical Left & Brandon Administration Life Destroying Policies. Now Republican/Democrat Merrick who sold out to the Unions clearly doesn't represent the constituents that voted her into office. She cares more about spending all that federal money & our PFD’s every year, then helping her district.

Don't let this year be Number 7 for Alaskans get the shaft & our Stolen Money once again only heads directly into the Special Interests pocket books, this is just a short list of those Lawbreaking Legislators in Juneau who have sold out to Special Interests, they think that the PFD belongs to them.

Don't let the House get away with not Concurring the Senates bill. Alaskans don't need another black pill parting gift to Alaskans from Government, just to make sure their Special Interests are well funded and Alaskans get the shaft again,


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Make sure to Like and Share. MSM is going to spin what I said above as horrible thing that is happening by not capitulating the Far Lefts Narrative & Agenda and will do everything they can to make it appear only the Left cares about Alaskans Futures. All they care about is who is paying them the most to report their Opinioned News.

That’s why I’m here to livestream this to all of you so "We Alaskans" can have this information without the Lefts MSM Spin.

We at Politadick are not responsible for anything that is said here today. We are here to document this and make sure Alaskans hear it Unfiltered & not from our very opinionated Far Left Fringe Spin coming from MSM.

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