Exosomes vs Mesenchymal Stem Cells

2 years ago

www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic
Hello, this is Josh dream body clinic. Today we're going to talk about exosomes as I'm getting more questions about these lately. It is something I've addressed in the past, but it is always good to make some updated figures, new content of what's going on in that area. So as far as exosomes go, we do not offer them here at dream body clinic, we do offer Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
The reason that we don't offer exosomes is because we have a Mesenchymal stem cell. The stem cells release exosomes. I guess the first point to this is that they release more exosomes than you would get from both. Now the whole idea of exosomes was a brilliant idea as a work around for the laws in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
You're not allowed to inject expanded stem cells into patients. Why they don't really give you a good reason. They'll tell you that maybe more research, but there's over a hundred thousand studies that go on the pub or on Google scholar. I think there's over 30,000 of there's a lot of research. So it's kind of a weak excuse.
As far as that. But either way, that's what they want. So some great, uh, scientists and doctors and biologists in the United States found some work around. What'd they started doing is they would expand the culture, the cells replicate them in the lab. And instead of injecting them into someone, what they would do is force them to release their exosomes because stem cells work for you.
It's called the Paracrine effect. That means it's the things that they send out signals to the exosomes that actually do all the work. They're more like the manager of the construction site. So they would force the stem cells in the lab in culture to release their exits. And then they would filter out the mesenchymal stem cells, you would think, okay.
They're just gonna give you all of the exosomes in that Petri dish, follow up. Good to go, send it out for treatment, but they can't do that. There's over a thousand different types of exosomes. They do not know what they all do. So what they opted to do instead, it's basically make a guess via the filtration.
Rudimentary think of taking like a SIF with a big thing of sand or dirt, and they're just keeping the big rocks. And that's the case of what they're doing with the exits. They're only keeping the larger sized exosomes. They did not know what they all do. And it's kind of scary to think, because we do know that some exosomes causing inflammation though, the majority actually helped remove inflammation.
But what if you get a batch that just has too many of those pro-inflammatory. Well, you can have inflammation. That's the worst case. It's very highly unlikely. That will happen. What's more likely is you're just not going to see results. So you've got a few things working against you first. You don't know if you put the right exosomes to the right area second, you don't know.
The whole idea of the Mesenchymal stem cells it's going to go to the area of inflammation. They're attracted to them. And then it's going to release the correct exosomes to the area. So much more efficient to go with the second, the stem cells.
There is a lot of great research being done on. Like, um, there's a doctor out in Miami, Dr. Korea. Who's been working there, researching the exosomes. His belief is that, you know, exomes will be the future because they could very well be if they can figure out what all these exosomes do, get them specifically to the area in the exact ones you need in a high concentration, that would be very effective.
We want you to have the best treatment it's in our best interest that you heal, because you're going to go tell your friends that you did a stem cell treatment and it fixed you, fixed your shoulder, fixed your autoimmune disease. And that's what our goal is. Our goal too, is that you don't have to come back.
We don't want to do your end. You have to come back six months later, a year later, our goal is that we do. You don't have to come back now, if it's really aggressive, like stage four, osteoarthritis, that's going to be maybe might need a second treatment. But for most of our treatments, the majority of issues, one and done, that's our goal here at your body clinic. So that's our take on exosomes.
The number is (833) 445-9089. Call us anytime toll free there. Or you can check out the website, www.dreambody.clinic. If you scroll down the homepage, all of our treatments are listed there. They're combined. You want, um, get the information. The prices are there. We're as transparent as can be to help as many people as possible.

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