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In this video we will show you 4 mental tricks to have more discipline and consistency in your workouts. I am sure that if you can follow them, you will become a machine!

4 Mental Tricks for More Discipline and Consistency in Training - Turn Yourself into a Machine

Positive thinking and daily practice can help you achieve better performance and not lose focus.

Starting to exercise is, for some, relatively easy, but the challenge is to maintain the frequency and discipline. Experts say that this is quite common and, when it happens, the secret is to access the mental strength reserve. And how to do this? There are a few tricks that help improve one's own internal psychology in search of greater endurance and discipline.

The psychologist Justin Ross, an expert in sports and performance psychology, is adamant in saying: "The body is like a car and the mind is like the driver. According to him, there are a number of factors that contribute to the mind driving the body with mental toughness, but the main characteristics are willingness and optimism.

"Willingness refers to how much you are inclined to endure, whether it's accepting the intensity on a physical level or being determined to maintain your level of effort over a time or distance. It is having the self-determination to stay in the experience without backing down or giving up."

"Optimism, on the other hand, is a positive belief about a future state or desired outcome. It helps us bridge the gap between what we are currently doing and how that relates to achieving our goals. Believing that our current effort will help our willingness to maintain that effort during training."

So here are some mental tricks that help keep runners focused, but can be applied to any physical activity. We summarize four of them here:

1. Connect to your goal

We are much more willing to tolerate discomfort when we know it is tied to a meaningful purpose or long-term goal. One trick is to remind yourself of your goal and how meaningful it is to you. This can be done during your warm-up or before you even leave the house. Doing this as you progress through the activity sets the stage for facing what lies ahead. According to the expert, with a strong motive, you will be more likely to have the mental toughness to endure.

2. Find a way, not an excuse

Thinking about your goals helps maintain motivation
Understand that both mood and optimism are mediated by internal talk. We can get really good at talking about the next most difficult endeavors before we even achieve them. Be aware of the messages in your mind and realize that you can change your thoughts. When you start to feel discomfort, bring to life positive statements of "I am", "I am willing to continue", "I am capable of this effort", "I am optimistic that this will help me reach my goals".

If these statements don't work, try a variation, referring to yourself in second person, as if you were a coach guiding the workout: "you will finish", "you are almost there" or "don't give up now".

3. Train purposefully in unpleasant conditions

Bad weather (too cold or too hot) provides an ideal test of mental toughness. So try training at an unaccustomed time of day to alternate your usual schedule and get you out of your comfort zone.

If you usually train at the end of the day, try waking up very early and train even if you are sleepy and very lazy. Use the same logic to do the opposite: if you train early, choose to work out a few days after work, preferably when you're most tired.

According to Ross, taking advantage of those moments when you don't feel so refreshed will train your mind and body for uncomfortable situations, and this helps improve mood and optimism.

4. Practice daily

According to the expert, these tricks of challenging ourselves can be applied to other times and activities of the day. In the shower, for example, switch the shower key to cold water and experience the sensation even on cold days. Tolerating an uncomfortable moment each day allows you to learn the connection between an unpleasant physical experience and the games your mind plays to try to escape that situation. "Thoughts will begin to seek a place of refuge the moment your body crosses the threshold into an area of discomfort; this is where the task of developing mental toughness begins," Ross explains.

The expert says it's up to us to decide whether we let the mind win, and slow down, or enact self-determination to achieve the desired level of success.

LINK: https://youtu.be/M3ohniRNKfE

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