9-Year-Old Served Protective Order/Harmful Coaches - ROPE Report LIVE!; V1SUT Vantage

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Harmful Coaching Series Returns:
What started as a small group of women fighting to tell their stories of abuse at the hands of public school coaches has expanded to include similar reports from across Oklahoma. We’ll discuss how some in Oklahoma are taking decisive action to stop the decade’s long problem of sexual abuse within public education and the movement of offenders between districts as others perpetuate policies that shield perpetrators. After a pause to engage a range of stakeholders in this conversation about student safety, this series is back. We’ll discuss the latest developments.

9-Year-Old Served Protective Order at School - No One Asks “How Did That Happen!?!?”
Recently, an Oklahoma story went viral and neither the local nor national legacy media asked any of the obvious questions. The V1SUT Vantage dug in and uncovered the judge, a taxpayer-funded non-profit, two law enforcement agency’s and a school district discipline strategy that merged to serve a 4th grader with an unlawful court order at an elementary school. We’ll discuss why a district judge was forced to dismiss her own order and just how interagency overreach is harming and potentially targeting Oklahoma families.

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