5 Ways To Make Money From Raw Land | Passive Income Ideas

1 year ago

There really are plenty of ways to make extra money using only the land you already own without selling it. If you could use a few additional bucks, and we all could from time to time, you should consider some of the options you have. If you are a land owner, even if it’s only a small tract, you have access to some of the best ways to make extra money out there. Don’t continue living life from paycheck to paycheck, take advantage of these ways to make extra money.

Paintball: Many folks love paintball wars, but it’s really hard for most to find a suitable place to play. Use this as one of the ways to make extra money each month. Try to section off all or part of your land. Allow groups to rent it for the day to have their wars. This is one of the best ways to make extra money for those that own some land. In fact, you could easily charge $40 per person, for a half day. You can see just how quickly that could add up. In no time, you could have a great business, making lot of cash on the side. It really is one of the most successful ways to make extra money.

Pasturing animals: If you have some fields, or even some wooded areas, you can use it as one of the ways to make extra money. Rent out the area to someone in need. Just take a look through the paper, there are tons of horse owners out there that just don’t have the space they need for their animals. You can capitalize on this and use it as one the best ways to make money without having to do much of anything. If you already have the land, you may as well explore the ways to make extra money with it. You generally won’t have too many problems finding people willing to rent your land for these purposes.

Hunting rights: If you own land suitable for hunting, you can lease or rent your land out to hunters. This is one of the best ways to make extra money. If you have big deer in your area, there’s a good chance you can charge a premium price for rights to your land during the season. Best of all, you can charge by the person or charge a flat fee. You are in control with this one, making it one of the best ways to make extra money, while maintaining full use of your land during the off-season. If you have wildlife on your land, you’ll have no problems finding someone to pay you to use it. “Duck season. No, Rabbit season…”

Storage: If you have a building on site, you won’t have to invest a dime, making it one of the more lucrative ways to make extra money. It may even be a wise investment to have the building put up. Have you noticed how many mini storage rentals there are? Those with an old barn could store four wheeler or boats during the off-season, making it one of the easiest ways to make extra money using your land. People have lots of toys these days. Trailers, campers, snowmobiles, classic cars, just about anything you can think of. Best of all, nobody seems to have enough room to store their stuff, making it one of the realistic ways to make extra money.

Camping: You may be able to start a primitive campground with little or no start-up money, making it one of the simpler ways to make extra money. If you have a field, a few stakes to mark the sites a few campfire rings may be enough to begin. Simply place an ad in the paper or Craigslist and you’re sure to get plenty of inquiries. You just may end up starting a legitimate business without much effort at all, making it one of the better passive income ways to make extra money.

Logging: Chances are there are loggers in your area that will pay big bucks for the timber. They will do all the work, and pay you when it’s all said and done. This can really be lucrative for those with larger wooded chunks of land. It’s one of the hands off ways to make extra money. You’ll be surprised at just how much you can make this way. Call the loggers in your area to find out if they are interested. Without much effort, you could get a check for thousands of dollars. Best of all, the trees will grow back on their own, making it one of the renewable ways to make extra money. Timberland is big business.

Flea markets: Rent out your space and start-up a flea market business. All it takes is some ambition. You can charge the vendors $15 per table, per day. Do you know how many small tables you can fit on an acre of land? Tons of them to be sure, making it a great and low-cost way to make some extra cash on your parcel. Give it shot, it just may work in high traffic areas.

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