Can You List on the OneKey MLS Without an Agent?

1 year ago

Nick at Hauseit ( shares the most cost effective options for getting listed on the OneKey MLS. Save money when buying, selling and renting real estate in New York and Florida with Hauseit ( Available in NYC, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and South Florida. Established 2014. How it works:
You’re watching this video because you likely understand the value and importance of being on the MLS. Most most buyers are represented, so even if you're a FSBO (meaning you don't want to pay a percentage commission to a listing agent) you still understand the importance of offering some sort of compensation to buyer's agents.

You're unable to do this effectively when listing it on a random public-facing website because it's not going in the MLS, and the MLS provides the member buyer's agents with that contractual assurance that they will in fact be paid the commission if the property closes.

Brokers aren't out there to take the word of a random FSBO seller who they don't know. They need to have commission papered. They need to have that contractual protection and that's what the MLS offers. The OneKey MLS, much like any other MLS in the country, is run by an association that is affiliated with the National Associate of Realtors. You must be a broker or an agent to be a member of the MLS. Therefore, individuals non-agents are not able to join this required association or access the MLS.

You actually cannot list on the OneKey MLS without an agent, but does this mean you have to pay 6% just to get on the MLS? In other words, do you have to hire a full-service listing agent just to get MLS access?

You can simply pay for a Flat Fee MLS Listing. Under this type of arrangement, you're paying a nominal fee and some agent or broker will list your property in the MLS. Here at Hauseit, we do offer a Flat Fee MLS Listing for the OneKey MLS. We call our service Hauseit Agent Assisted FSBO. You can learn more and sign-up here:

Unique to Hauseit, we do not require you pay any money upfront. We only collect our small flat fee at closing if and only if you close. If for whatever reason you delist, you cancel you just don't want to move forward, you hire another agent, etc. you would not owe us anything.

Our service is completely free to try, and you can cancel at any time without any sort of penalty or obligation.

At Hauseit, we will list your property in the OneKey MLS which is the appropriate database both for Long Island as well as the Hudson Valley. As part of our service, we will also syndicate your listing to all major real estate websites and the listing will also appear on the websites of the various brokerage firms that receive a data feed from the MLS.

You’ll be getting the same comprehensive exposure that you would have having hired a traditional full service agent but of course only for a flat fee which is payable only if you close. Nor do we charge anything for updating your listing.
Save money when buying, selling and renting real estate in New York and Florida with Hauseit ( Available in NYC, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and South Florida. Established 2014. Learn how it works:

Hauseit Group LLC, Licensed Real Estate Broker
Tel: +1 (888) 494-8258
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